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CNIT: a fast and accurate web tool for identifying protein-coding and long non-coding transcripts based on intrinsic sequence composition




As more and more high-throughput data has been produced by next-generation sequencing, it is still a challenge to classify RNA transcripts into protein-coding or non-coding, especially for poorly annotated species. We upgraded our original coding potential calculator, CNCI (Coding-Non-Coding Index), to CNIT (Coding-Non-Coding Identifying Tool), which provides faster and more accurate evaluation of the coding ability of RNA transcripts. CNIT runs ∼200 times faster than CNCI and exhibits more accuracy compared with CNCI (0.98 versus 0.94 for human, 0.95 versus 0.93 for mouse, 0.93 versus 0.92 for zebrafish, 0.93 versus 0.92 for fruit fly, 0.92 versus 0.88 for worm, and 0.98 versus 0.85 for Arabidopsis transcripts). Moreover, the AUC values of 11 animal species and 27 plant species showed that CNIT was capable of obtaining relatively accurate identification results for almost all eukaryotic transcripts. In addition, a mobile-friendly web server is now freely available at .
机译:由于下一代测序已产生越来越多的高通量数据,将RNA转录物分类为蛋白质编码还是非编码仍然是一项挑战,特别是对于注释较差的物种。我们将原始的编码潜力计算器CNCI(非编码索引)升级为CNIT(非编码识别工具),从而可以更快,更准确地评估RNA转录本的编码能力。 CNIT的运行速度比CNCI快200倍,并且显示出比CNCI更高的准确性(人为0.98对0.94,小鼠0.95对0.93,斑马鱼0.93对0.92,果蝇0.93对0.92,蠕虫0.92对0.88,以及0.98对拟南芥转录本为0.85)。此外,11种动物和27种植物的AUC值表明CNIT能够获得几乎所有真核转录本的相对准确的鉴定结果。此外,现在可在上免费使用适合移动设备的Web服务器。



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