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A telephone-based intervention to promote physical activity during smoking cessation: a randomized controlled proof-of-concept study




Smoking and physical inactivity contribute to disproportionate disease burden among underserved adults. Telephone-based interventions (quitlines) are becoming the standard care for addressing smoking. There is increasing interest to determine whether quitlines can be utilized to administer interventions for other unhealthy behaviors. This study aims to examine the proof-of-concept and potential efficacy of a telephone-based behavioral counseling intervention to boost daily low-to-moderate physical activity among low-income, physically inactive smokers. Participants (N = 101) were randomized to receive 4 weeks of counseling prior to their smoking quit day that included either standard smoking cessation counseling (control) or the Step-up to Quit (SUTQ) intervention. SUTQ promoted daily walking to foster physical activity as a primary smoking urge management strategy and facilitate incremental increases in daily steps with the goal of achieving 7500 steps/day by the quit day in week 4. Exploratory structural equation modeling tested SUTQ effects on six measures of low-to-moderate physical activity (primary outcome) and smoking cue reactivity (secondary outcome) simultaneously in a single multivariate model with controlling variables. The sample was 51 % female and 77 % African-American, with a mean age of 42.1 years (SD = 10.9). Compared to the control condition, SUTQ intervention was associated with greater physical activity at week 4 (b = 0.51, z = 1.71, p = 0.08), with between-group differences sustained at follow-up. At week 4, the SUTQ group had higher 7-day mean steps/day (M = 7,207.25, SD = 4,276.03) than controls (M = 3,947.03, SD = 3,655.03) (t = 3.35; p < .01); and had more participants reach the >7500 steps/day goal (49% vs. 11 %, c2 = 10.78; p < .01), a difference that was sustained at 1-month follow-up (X2 = 9.04, p < .01) Effects of SUTQ treatment on cue reactivity were in the hypothesized direction but not significant (b = −0.29; z = −1.09, p = 0.27). To our knowledge, this is the first study to promote physical activity using telephone counseling in an underserved population of smokers known to have greater challenges with physical activity adoption and smoking cessation. The SUTQ approach suggests that integration of physical activity advice and support within the context of smoking cessation treatment has the potential to promote physical activity among smokers intending to quit.
机译:吸烟和缺乏体育锻炼导致服务不足的成年人中疾病负担过重。基于电话的干预(戒烟热线)正成为解决吸烟的标准护理方法。人们越来越有兴趣确定是否可以将戒烟热线用于对其他不良行为的干预措施。这项研究旨在检验电话行为咨询干预措施的概念验证和潜在功效,以提高低收入,缺乏身体活动的吸烟者的日常中低度体育锻炼。参与者(N = 101)被随机分配在戒烟日之前的4周接受咨询,包括标准戒烟咨询(对照)或逐步戒烟(SUTQ)干预。 SUTQ提倡日常步行,以促进体育锻炼作为主要的吸烟冲动管理策略,并促进每日步伐的逐步增加,目标是在第4周的戒烟日之前达到每天7500步。探索性结构方程模型测试了SUTQ对六种措施的影响在具有控制变量的单一多变量模型中,低至中度的体育活动(主要结果)和吸烟提示反应性(次要结果)同时出现。样本为51%的女性和77%的非洲裔美国人,平均年龄为42.1岁(SD = 10.9)。与对照条件相比,SUTQ干预在第4周具有更大的体力活动(b = 0.51,z = 1.71,p = 0.08),组间差异在随访中持续存在。在第4周,SUTQ组的7天平均步幅/天(M = 7,207.25,SD = 4,276.03)比对照组(M = 3,947.03,SD = 3,655.03)高(t = 3.35; p <.01);并且有更多的参与者达到了> 7500步/日的目标(49%比11%,c2 = 10.78; p <.01),这一差异在1个月的随访中得以维持(X2 = 9.04,p <。 01)SUTQ处理对提示反应性的影响在假设的方向上但不显着(b = −0.29; z = −1.09,p = 0.27)。据我们所知,这是第一项通过电话咨询在缺乏服务的吸烟者中通过电话咨询促进身体活动的研究,已知该人群在进行身体活动和戒烟方面面临更大的挑战。 SUTQ方法表明,在戒烟治疗的背景下进行体育锻炼建议和支持的整合有可能促进打算戒烟的吸烟者进行体育锻炼。



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