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Warming climate extends dryness-controlled areas of terrestrial carbon sequestration




At biome-scale, terrestrial carbon uptake is controlled mainly by weather variability. Observational data from a global monitoring network indicate that the sensitivity of terrestrial carbon sequestration to mean annual temperature (T) breaks down at a threshold value of 16°C, above which terrestrial CO2 fluxes are controlled by dryness rather than temperature. Here we show that since 1948 warming climate has moved the 16°C T latitudinal belt poleward. Land surface area with T > 16°C and now subject to dryness control rather than temperature as the regulator of carbon uptake has increased by 6% and is expected to increase by at least another 8% by 2050. Most of the land area subjected to this warming is arid or semiarid with ecosystems that are highly vulnerable to drought and land degradation. In areas now dryness-controlled, net carbon uptake is ~27% lower than in areas in which both temperature and dryness (T < 16°C) regulate plant productivity. This warming-induced extension of dryness-controlled areas may be triggering a positive feedback accelerating global warming. Continued increases in land area with T > 16°C has implications not only for positive feedback on climate change, but also for ecosystem integrity and land cover, particularly for pastoral populations in marginal lands.
机译:在生物群落范围内,陆地碳的吸收主要受天气变化的影响。来自全球监测网络的观测数据表明,陆地碳固存对年平均温度(T)的敏感度在阈值16°C时下降,在该阈值以上,陆地二氧化碳通量受干燥而不是温度控制。从这里可以看出,自1948年以来,气候变暖使16°C T纬度带极移。 T> 16°C的土地表面积,现在受干燥控制而不是温度控制,因为碳吸收调节剂增加了6%,预计到2050年将再增加至少8%。这种变暖是干旱或半干旱的生态系统,极易受到干旱和土地退化的影响。在现在受干旱控制的地区,净碳吸收量比温度和干燥度(T <16°C)均控制植物生产力的地区低约27%。这种变暖引起的干旱控制地区的扩大可能会触发积极反馈,加速全球变暖。 T> 16°C时土地面积的持续增加不仅对气候变化产生积极反馈,而且对生态系统完整性和土地覆盖也有影响,特别是对边际土地上的牧民而言。



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