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Productivity and sustainability of rainfed wheat-soybean system in the North China Plain: results from a long-term experiment and crop modelling




A quantitative understanding of yield response to water and nutrients is key to improving the productivity and sustainability of rainfed cropping systems. Here, we quantified the effects of rainfall, fertilization (NPK) and soil organic amendments (with straw and manure) on yields of a rainfed wheat-soybean system in the North China Plain (NCP), using 30-years’ field experimental data (1982–2012) and the simulation model-AquaCrop. On average, wheat and soybean yields were 5 and 2.5 times higher in the fertilized treatments than in the unfertilized control (CK), respectively. Yields of fertilized treatments increased and yields of CK decreased over time. NPK + manure increased yields more than NPK alone or NPK + straw. The additional effect of manure is likely due to increased availability of K and micronutrients. Wheat yields were limited by rainfall and can be increased through soil mulching (15%) or irrigation (35%). In conclusion, combined applications of fertilizer NPK and manure were more effective in sustaining high crop yields than recommended fertilizer NPK applications. Manure applications led to strong accumulation of NPK and relatively low NPK use efficiencies. Water deficiency in wheat increased over time due to the steady increase in yields, suggesting that the need for soil mulching increases.
机译:定量了解水和养分对产量的响应,对于提高雨养作物系统的生产率和可持续性至关重要。在这里,我们使用30年的田间试验数据,量化了降雨,施肥(NPK)和土壤有机改良剂(秸秆和粪肥)对华北平原(NCP)雨养小麦-大豆系统产量的影响( 1982–2012年)和仿真模型-AquaCrop。平均而言,施肥处理的小麦和大豆产量分别比未施肥的对照(CK)高5到2.5倍。随着时间的推移,受精处理的产量增加,而CK的产量下降。氮磷钾+肥比单用氮磷钾或氮磷钾+秸秆的增产更多。肥料的附加作用可能是由于钾和微量营养素的利用率增加。小麦的产量受到降雨的限制,可以通过覆盖土壤(15%)或灌溉(35%)来增加。总之,与氮磷钾推荐的肥料施用相比,氮磷钾和肥料的组合施用在维持高作物产量方面更有效。粪肥的施用导致NPK的大量积累和相对较低的NPK使用效率。由于单产的稳步提高,小麦的水分缺乏随着时间的推移而增加,这表明对土壤覆盖的需求在增加。



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