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The Tara Oceans voyage reveals global diversity and distribution patterns of marine planktonic ciliates




Illumina reads of the SSU-rDNA-V9 region obtained from the circumglobal Tara Oceans expedition allow the investigation of protistan plankton diversity patterns on a global scale. We analyzed 6,137,350 V9-amplicons from ocean surface waters and the deep chlorophyll maximum, which were taxonomically assigned to the phylum Ciliophora. For open ocean samples global planktonic ciliate diversity is relatively low (ca. 1,300 observed and predicted ciliate OTUs). We found that 17% of all detected ciliate OTUs occurred in all oceanic regions under study. On average, local ciliate OTU richness represented 27% of the global ciliate OTU richness, indicating that a large proportion of ciliates is widely distributed. Yet, more than half of these OTUs shared <90% sequence similarity with reference sequences of described ciliates. While alpha-diversity measures (richness and exp(Shannon H)) are hardly affected by contemporary environmental conditions, species (OTU) turnover and community similarity (β-diversity) across taxonomic groups showed strong correlation to environmental parameters. Logistic regression models predicted significant correlations between the occurrence of specific ciliate genera and individual nutrients, the oceanic carbonate system and temperature. Planktonic ciliates displayed distinct vertical distributions relative to chlorophyll a. In contrast, the Tara Oceans dataset did not reveal any evidence that latitude is structuring ciliate communities.
机译:Illumina从环球地球塔拉海洋探险队获得的SSU-rDNA-V9区域的读数允许在全球范围内研究原生藻浮游生物的多样性模式。我们分析了6,137,350个来自海洋表层水和深层叶绿素最大值的V9 amplicons,它们在分类学上被归为Ciliophora门。对于开阔海洋的样本,全球浮游纤毛虫的多样性相对较低(观测到的和预测的纤毛虫的OTU约有1300个)。我们发现,所有检测到的纤毛OTU发生在所研究的所有海洋区域中,占17%。平均而言,本地纤毛虫的OTU含量占全球纤毛虫的OTU含量的27%,这表明纤毛虫的很大一部分分布广泛。然而,这些OTU中有一半以上与上述纤毛虫的参考序列共享<90%的序列相似性。尽管alpha多样性测度(丰富度和exp(Shannon H))几乎不受现代环境条件的影响,但不同分类组中物种(OTU)的周转率和社区相似性(β-diversity)与环境参数之间具有很强的相关性。 Logistic回归模型预测特定纤毛虫属的发生与单个养分,海洋碳酸盐系统和温度之间存在显着相关性。浮游纤毛虫相对于叶绿素a表现出明显的垂直分布。相反,塔拉海洋数据集没有揭示任何证据表明纬度正在构造纤毛虫群落。



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