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Fault stress inversion reveals seismogenic asperity of the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake

机译:断层应力反演揭示了2011年Mw 9.0级东北大地震的震源粗糙



We predict, with a model (earthquake stress model) that inverts the displacements documented at 163 GNSS onshore stations of the GEONET, the change of shear and normal stresses on the megathrust near the Japan Trench over the seven years before the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. We find three areas on the megathrust with greater accumulations of shear and normal stresses before the earthquake, which match the ruptured areas of the mainshock and two largest aftershocks (Mw 7.8 and 7.4) that occurred within half an hour after the mainshock. We also find that the change of normal stress on the fault before the earthquake is not uniform but increases in the up-dip portion (shallower depth) of the fault from the hypocenter and decreases in the down-dip portion. We infer that the occurrence of the giant earthquake at the shallow portion of the megathrust may be attributed to the increase of the normal stress there, which leads to an increase of fault shear strength and allows more elastic strain energy to accumulate to prepare for the next big earthquake. Based on these results we propose a new concept of the seismogenic asperity as the area of greater accumulations of shear and normal stresses. The method presented here may be useful for predicting the rupture zone of future large earthquakes.
机译:我们预测,通过一个模型(地震应力模型)可以将GEONET 163个GNSS陆上站点记录的位移进行反演,从而可以预测在2011年Mw 9.0 Tohoku-Tohoku(日本东北)之前的7年中,日本海沟附近的大推力的剪切力和正应力的变化。冲木地震。我们在地震发生前的巨型推力中发现了三个区域,这些区域具有更大的剪切力和正应力,它们与主震的破裂区域和主震后半小时内发生的两个最大余震(Mw 7.8和7.4)相匹配。我们还发现,地震前断层上的法向应力变化不是均匀的,而是断层从震源的上倾部分(深度较浅)增加,而在下倾部分则减小。我们推断,巨推力浅部发生大地震可能是由于那里的法向应力增加,导致断层剪切强度增加,并积累了更多的弹性应变能,为下一次地震做准备。大地震。基于这些结果,我们提出了一个新的概念,即由于剪切力和法向应力的累积量较大,而产生了地震。这里介绍的方法对于预测未来大地震的破裂带可能有用。



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