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Coral mucus fuels the sponge loop in warm- and cold-water coral reef ecosystems




Shallow warm-water and deep-sea cold-water corals engineer the coral reef framework and fertilize reef communities by releasing coral mucus, a source of reef dissolved organic matter (DOM). By transforming DOM into particulate detritus, sponges play a key role in transferring the energy and nutrients in DOM to higher trophic levels on Caribbean reefs via the so-called sponge loop. Coral mucus may be a major DOM source for the sponge loop, but mucus uptake by sponges has not been demonstrated. Here we used laboratory stable isotope tracer experiments to show the transfer of coral mucus into the bulk tissue and phospholipid fatty acids of the warm-water sponge Mycale fistulifera and cold-water sponge Hymedesmia coriacea, demonstrating a direct trophic link between corals and reef sponges. Furthermore, 21–40% of the mucus carbon and 32–39% of the nitrogen assimilated by the sponges was subsequently released as detritus, confirming a sponge loop on Red Sea warm-water and north Atlantic cold-water coral reefs. The presence of a sponge loop in two vastly different reef environments suggests it is a ubiquitous feature of reef ecosystems contributing to the high biogeochemical cycling that may enable coral reefs to thrive in nutrient-limited (warm-water) and energy-limited (cold-water) environments.
机译:浅水和深海冷水珊瑚通过释放珊瑚黏液(珊瑚礁可溶解的有机物(DOM)的来源)来改造珊瑚礁框架并为珊瑚礁群落施肥。通过将DOM转化为颗粒状碎屑,海绵在通过所谓的海绵环将DOM中的能量和营养成分传递到加勒比礁的较高营养级别方面发挥了关键作用。珊瑚粘液可能是海绵环的主要DOM来源,但尚未证明海绵吸收粘液。在这里,我们使用实验室稳定的同位素示踪剂实验来显示珊瑚粘液转移到温水海绵Mycale fistulifera和冷水海绵Hymedesmia coriacea的大块组织和磷脂脂肪酸中,证明了珊瑚与珊瑚礁海绵之间的直接营养联系。此外,海绵吸收的粘液碳中的21–40%和氮气中的32–39%随后作为碎屑被释放,这证实了红海温水和北大西洋冷水珊瑚礁上的海绵环。在两个截然不同的礁石环境中存在海绵环,这表明它是礁石生态系统的普遍特征,有助于高生物地球化学循环,这可能使珊瑚礁在营养有限(温水)和能量有限(冷水)中繁衍生息。水)环境。



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