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High-frequency Coastal Overwash Deposits from Phra Thong Island Thailand




The 26th December 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami (IOT) emanated from an Mw 9.2 earthquake that generated a 1600 km-long rupture along the Sumatran Megathrust and generated tsunami waves up to 30 m high. The IOT directly impacted the Bay of Bengal and east Africa, with over 283,000 people perishing. At the time, this catastrophic event was considered unprecedented and sparked intense investigations to test this claim. It is now believed that four pre-2004 IOT events have occurred in the last 2500 years, recurring every 550 to 700 years. Much of this information comes from Phra Thong Island, Thailand, where a sequence of four stacked sandsheets separated by organic units has been recognised and compared to the 2004 IOT event. Recently, ground-penetrating radar on Phra Thong Island identified a region that could not be explained by the known stratigraphy. The stratigraphy of the area was investigated from auger cores and pits, and several previously-unrecognised sandsheets were identified and compared to the known tsunami sandsheets. The proximity of the newly-recognised sandsheets to the palaeo-coastline of Phra Thong Island does not preclude the impacts of localised storms in sandsheet emplacement or that tsunamigenic earthquake recurrence may have been more frequent in the past.
机译:2004年12月26日,印度洋海啸(IOT)源于9.2兆瓦级地震,沿苏门答腊大推力产生了1600 km长的破裂,并产生了高达30 m的海啸波。物联网直接影响了孟加拉湾和东非,有283,000多人丧生。当时,这一灾难性事件被认为是史无前例的,并引发了深入的调查以检验这一说法。现在认为,在过去的2500年中发生了4次2004年前的IOT事件,每550至700年重复发生一次。这些信息大部分来自泰国的帕通岛(Phra Thong Island),那里已识别出一系列由有机单元隔开的四叠沙板,并将其与2004 IOT事件进行了比较。最近,帕通岛上的探地雷达确定了已知地层无法解释的区域。从螺旋钻芯和坑中调查了该地区的地层,并确定了一些以前无法识别的砂岩并将其与已知的海啸砂岩进行了比较。新近认可的沙床靠近帕通岛的古海岸线,并不排除局部风暴对沙床进驻的影响,也不会排除过去发生海啸地震的频发。



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