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Radiation-associated circulatory disease mortality in a pooled analysis of 77275 patients from the Massachusetts and Canadian tuberculosis fluoroscopy cohorts




High-dose ionising radiation is associated with circulatory disease. Risks associated with lower-dose (<0.5 Gy) exposures remain unclear, with little information on risk modification by age at exposure, years since exposure or dose-rate. Tuberculosis patients in Canada and Massachusetts received multiple diagnostic x-ray fluoroscopic exposures, over a wide range of ages, many at doses <0.5 Gy. We evaluated risks of circulatory-disease mortality associated with <0.5 Gy radiation exposure in a pooled cohort of 63,707 patients in Canada and 13,568 patients in Massachusetts. Under 0.5 Gy there are increasing trends for all circulatory disease (n = 10,209; excess relative risk/Gy = 0.246; 95% CI 0.036, 0.469; p = 0.021) and for ischaemic heart disease (n = 6410; excess relative risk/Gy = 0.267; 95% CI 0.003, 0.552; p = 0.048). All circulatory-disease and ischaemic-heart-disease risk reduces with increasing time since exposure (p < 0.005). Over the entire dose range, there are negative mortality dose trends for all circulatory disease (p = 0.014) and ischaemic heart disease (p = 0.003), possibly due to competing causes of death over this dose interval.These results confirm and extend earlier findings and strengthen the evidence for circulatory-disease mortality radiation risk at doses <0.5 Gy. The limited information on well-known lifestyle/medical risk factors for circulatory disease implies that confounding of the dose trend cannot be entirely excluded.
机译:高剂量电离辐射与循环系统疾病有关。低剂量(<0.5 Gy)暴露相关的风险仍不清楚,关于暴露年龄,暴露后多年或剂量率的风险改变信息很少。加拿大和马萨诸塞州的结核病患者在很宽的年龄范围内接受了多次X射线诊断性X射线检查,许多剂量小于0.5 Gy。我们在加拿大63,707例患者和马萨诸塞州的13,568例患者中评估了与<0.5 Gy辐射暴露相关的循环系统疾病死亡风险。在0.5 Gy以下,所有循环系统疾病(n = 10,209;相对风险/ Gy = 0.246; 95%CI 0.036,0.469; p = 0.021)和缺血性心脏病(n = 6410;相对风险/ Gy过高)呈上升趋势。 = 0.267; 95%CI 0.003,0.552; p = 0.048)。自接触以来,随着时间的延长,所有循环系统疾病和缺血性心脏疾病的风险均降低(p <0.005)。在整个剂量范围内,所有循环系统疾病(p = 0.014)和缺血性心脏病(p = 0.003)的死亡剂量趋势均为负值,这可能是由于在此剂量间隔内存在竞争性死亡原因所致。这些结果证实并扩展了先前的发现并加强剂量<0.5 strengthenGy的循环系统疾病死亡辐射风险的证据。关于众所周知的循环系统疾病的生活方式/医学风险因素的信息有限,这意味着不能完全排除剂量趋势的混淆。



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