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Charge transfer to ground-state ions produces free electrons




Inner-shell ionization of an isolated atom typically leads to Auger decay. In an environment, for example, a liquid or a van der Waals bonded system, this process will be modified, and becomes part of a complex cascade of relaxation steps. Understanding these steps is important, as they determine the production of slow electrons and singly charged radicals, the most abundant products in radiation chemistry. In this communication, we present experimental evidence for a so-far unobserved, but potentially very important step in such relaxation cascades: Multiply charged ionic states after Auger decay may partially be neutralized by electron transfer, simultaneously evoking the creation of a low-energy free electron (electron transfer-mediated decay). This process is effective even after Auger decay into the dicationic ground state. In our experiment, we observe the decay of Ne2+ produced after Ne 1s photoionization in Ne–Kr mixed clusters.
机译:隔离原子的壳内电离通常会导致俄歇衰变。在例如液体或范德华粘合体系的环境中,此过程将被修改,并成为松弛步骤复杂级联的一部分。了解这些步骤很重要,因为它们决定了慢电子和带单电荷的自由基的产生,这是辐射化学中最丰富的产物。在此交流中,我们提供了迄今为止尚未观察到的但可能是此类弛豫级联中非常重要的一步的实验证据:俄歇衰变后的带正电的离子态可能会被电子转移部分中和,同时引发了低能量释放的产生电子(电子转移介导的衰变)。即使在俄歇(Auger)衰减到特定的基态后,此过程也有效。在我们的实验中,我们观察到在Ne–Kr混合簇中,Ne 1s光电离后产生的Ne 2 + 的衰减。



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