首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Scientific Reports >Characteristics of pulsed runoff-erosion events under typical rainstorms in a small watershed on the Loess Plateau of China

Characteristics of pulsed runoff-erosion events under typical rainstorms in a small watershed on the Loess Plateau of China




The pulsed events of rainstorm erosion on the Loess Plateau are well-known, but little information is available concerning the characteristics of superficial soil erosion processes caused by heavy rainstorms at the watershed scale. This study statistically evaluated characteristics of pulsed runoff-erosion events based on 17 observed rainstorms from 1997–2010 in a small loess watershed on the Loess Plateau of China. Results show that: 1) Rainfall is the fundamental driving force of soil erosion on hillslopes, but the correlations of rainfall-runoff and rainfall-sediment in different rainstorms are often scattered due to infiltration-excess runoff and soil conservation measures. 2) Relationships between runoff and sediment for each rainstorm event can be regressed by linear, power, logarithmic and exponential functions. Cluster Analysis is helpful in classifying runoff-erosion events and formulating soil conservation strategies for rainstorm erosion. 3) Response characteristics of sediment yield are different in different levels of pulsed runoff-erosion events. Affected by rainfall intensity and duration, large changes may occur in the interactions between flow and sediment for different flood events. Results provide new insights into runoff-erosion processes and will assist soil conservation planning in the loess hilly region.
机译:黄土高原上的暴雨侵蚀的脉冲事件是众所周知的,但是关于分水岭规模的暴雨引起的表层土壤侵蚀过程的特征的信息很少。这项研究基于1997年至2010年间在中国黄土高原的一个小黄土流域观测到的17次暴雨,对脉冲径流侵蚀事件的特征进行了统计评估。结果表明:1)降雨是坡地土壤侵蚀的基本动力,但由于入渗径流和土壤保持措施的不同,不同暴雨中降雨径流与降雨泥沙的相关性往往很分散。 2)每个暴雨事件的径流与沉积物之间的关系可以通过线性,幂,对数和指数函数进行回归。聚类分析有助于对径流侵蚀事件进行分类,并为暴雨侵蚀制定土壤保护策略。 3)在不同程度的脉冲径流侵蚀事件中,沉积物产量的响应特征是不同的。受降雨强度和持续时间的影响,不同洪水事件的流-沙相互作用可能会发生较大变化。研究结果为径流侵蚀过程提供了新的见解,并将有助于黄土丘陵区的土壤保持规划。



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