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Recent high-resolution Antarctic ice velocity maps reveal increased mass loss in Wilkes Land East Antarctica




We constructed Antarctic ice velocity maps from Landsat 8 images for the years 2014 and 2015 at a high spatial resolution (100 m). These maps were assembled from 10,690 scenes of displacement vectors inferred from more than 10,000 optical images acquired from December 2013 through March 2016. We estimated the mass discharge of the Antarctic ice sheet in 2008, 2014, and 2015 using the Landsat ice velocity maps, interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR)-derived ice velocity maps (~2008) available from prior studies, and ice thickness data. An increased mass discharge (53 ± 14 Gt yr−1) was found in the East Indian Ocean sector since 2008 due to unexpected widespread glacial acceleration in Wilkes Land, East Antarctica, while the other five oceanic sectors did not exhibit significant changes. However, present-day increased mass loss was found by previous studies predominantly in west Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula. The newly discovered increased mass loss in Wilkes Land suggests that the ocean heat flux may already be influencing ice dynamics in the marine-based sector of the East Antarctic ice sheet (EAIS). The marine-based sector could be adversely impacted by ongoing warming in the Southern Ocean, and this process may be conducive to destabilization.
机译:我们从Landsat 8影像中以高空间分辨率(100µm)绘制了2014年和2015年的南极冰速图。这些地图是根据从2013年12月至2016年3月获取的10,000多个光学图像推断的位移向量的10,690个场景组装而成的。我们使用Landsat冰速图,干涉法估算了南极冰盖在2008、2014和2015年的质量流量。合成孔径雷达(InSAR)得出的冰速图(〜2008)可从先前的研究中获得,以及冰厚数据。自2008年以来,由于南极东部威尔克斯陆地上的意想不到的广泛冰川加速,东印度洋海域发现了质量流量增加(53±14 Gt yr -1 ),而其他五个海域确实没有明显的变化。然而,先前的研究发现,如今增加的质量损失主要发生在南极西部和南极半岛。在威尔克斯土地上新发现的质量损失增加表明,海洋热通量可能已经在影响南极东部冰原(EAIS)海洋部门的冰动力学。南部海洋持续变暖可能会给海洋部门带来不利影响,而这一过程可能有助于破坏稳定。



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