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Effects of oil and global environmental drivers on two keystone marine invertebrates




Ocean warming (OW) and acidification (OA) are key features of global change and are predicted to have negative consequences for marine species and ecosystems. At a smaller scale increasing oil and gas activities at northern high latitudes could lead to greater risk of petroleum pollution, potentially exacerbating the effects of such global stressors. However, knowledge of combined effects is limited. This study employed a scenario-based, collapsed design to investigate the impact of one local acute stressor (North Sea crude oil) and two chronic global drivers (pH for OA and temperature for OW), alone or in combination on aspects of the biology of larval stages of two key invertebrates: the northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) and the green sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis). Both local and global drivers had negative effects on survival, development and growth of the larval stages. These effects were species- and stage-dependent. No statistical interactions were observed between local and global drivers and the combined effects of the two drivers were approximately equal to the sum of their separate effects. This study highlights the importance of adjusting regulation associated with oil spill prevention to maximize the resilience of marine organisms to predicted future global conditions.
机译:海洋变暖(OW)和酸化(OA)是全球变化的关键特征,预计会对海洋物种和生态系统产生负面影响。在较小的规模下,北部高纬度地区油气活动的增加可能导致更大的石油污染风险,从而有可能加剧此类全球压力源的影响。但是,对联合效应的了解是有限的。这项研究采用了基于情景的折衷设计,以单独或组合研究一个局部急性应激源(北海原油)和两个慢性全球驱动因素(OA的pH和OW的温度)的影响。两种主要无脊椎动物的幼体阶段:北部虾(Pandalusborealis)和绿色海胆(Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis)。本地和全球驱动因素都对幼虫阶段的生存,发展和增长产生负面影响。这些影响是物种和阶段依赖性的。在本地和全球驱动因素之间未观察到统计相互作用,并且两个驱动因素的组合效应大约等于它们各自的效应之和。这项研究强调了调整与防止溢油有关的法规的重要性,以最大程度地发挥海洋生物对未来全球状况的适应力。



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