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John Wickham’s New Surgery: ‘Minimally Invasive Therapy’ Innovation and Approaches to Medical Practice in Twentieth-century Britain

机译:约翰·威克姆(John Wickham)的新手术:微创疗法创新以及20世纪英国医疗实践的方法



The term ‘minimally invasive’ was coined in 1986 to describe a range of procedures that involved making very small incisions or no incision at all for diseases traditionally treated by open surgery. We examine this major shift in British medical practice as a means of probing the nature of surgical innovation in the twentieth century. We first consider how concerns regarding surgical invasiveness had long been present in surgery, before examining how changing notions of post-operative care formed a foundation for change. We then go on to focus on a professional network involved in the promotion of minimally invasive therapy led by the urologist John Wickham. The minimally invasive movement, we contend, brought into focus tensions between surgical innovation and the evidence-based model of medical practice. Premised upon professional collaborations beyond surgery and a re-positioning of the patient role, we show how the movement elucidated changing notions of surgical authority.
机译:“微创”一词是在1986年创造的,用于描述一系列程序,这些程序涉及对传统上通过开放手术治疗的疾病进行很小的切口或根本不切口。我们考察了英国医疗实践中的这一重大转变,以此作为探索20世纪外科手术创新性质的一种手段。在检查术后护理观念的变化如何构成变革的基础之前,我们首先考虑在外科手术中长期以来一直存在有关外科侵袭性的担忧。然后,我们继续专注于由泌尿科医生John Wickham领导的促进微创治疗推广的专业网络。我们认为,微创运动使外科手术创新与循证医学实践之间产生了紧张关系。在外科手术以外的专业合作以及重新定位患者角色的前提下,我们展示了该运动如何阐明外科权威的观念变化。



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