首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Medical Entomology >No Evolutionary Response to Four Generations of Laboratory Selection on Antipredator Behavior of Aedes albopictus: Potential Implications for Biotic Resistance to Invasion

No Evolutionary Response to Four Generations of Laboratory Selection on Antipredator Behavior of Aedes albopictus: Potential Implications for Biotic Resistance to Invasion




Aedes albopictus (Skuse) is an invasive container-dwelling mosquito and an important disease vector that co-occurs with the native mosquito, Aedes triseriatus (Say), and the predatory midge, Corethrella appendiculata (Grabham). Larval Ae. triseriatus show significantly greater antipredatory responses when compared to larval Ae. albopictus in the presence of predation cues from C. appendiculata. The potential for evolution of antipredatory behavioral responses to C. appendiculata in Ae. albopictus is unknown. We used a controlled laboratory selection experiment to test whether Ae. albopictus could evolve antipredatory behavioral responses to C. appendiculata predation. We subjected replicate Ae. albopictus populations to four generations of predation by C. appendiculata or a predator-free control treatment and compared the behavior and life history of Ae. albopictus in the two treatments in each generation. There were no differences in Ae. albopictus behavioral responses between predation and control lines in any of the four generations. There was also no evidence of differences in life histories between predation and control lines. Ae. albopictus is superior as a competitor compared with Ae. triseriatus, which it has replaced in areas where C. appendiculata are rare. Our results suggest limited potential for Ae. albopictus to evolve stronger antipredatory behavioral responses to C. appendiculata predation and imply that C. appendiculata will continue to act as an impediment to invasion by Ae. albopictus and replacement of Ae. triseriatus and to promote coexistence of these competitors.
机译:白纹伊蚊(Skuse)是一种侵入性的居住在容器内的蚊子,是一种重要的疾病媒介,与天然蚊子伊蚊(Sed)和掠食性ge(Corethrella appendiculata)(格拉汉姆)同时发生。幼虫与幼虫Ae相比,triseriatus显示出明显更高的抗掠食性反应。在存在来自阑尾梭状芽胞杆菌的捕食线索的情况下。 Ae中对阑尾梭状芽胞杆菌的反掠夺行为反应演变的潜力。白化病未知。我们使用了受控实验室选择实验来测试Ae是否。白化病可能会发展对阑尾梭状芽孢杆菌捕食的反掠食行为反应。我们进行了复制Ae。通过附录C.appiculata或无捕食者的控制处理,将白蚁种群分为四代捕食,并比较了Ae的行为和生活史。在每一代的两种治疗中都使用白化病。 Ae没有差异。在四代中的任何一个世代中,捕食和控制系之间的白带行为反应。也没有证据表明捕食线和控制线之间生活史的差异。 e与Ae相比,albopictus作为竞争对手更具优势。 triseriatus,已在 C地区替换。阑尾很少见。我们的结果表明 Ae的潜力有限。 albopictus 可以增强对 C的反掠夺行为。阑尾捕食并暗示 C。阑尾将继续成为 Ae入侵的障碍。白化病 Ae的替代。并促进这些竞争者的共存。



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