首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Analytical Toxicology >Editors choice: Nonsmoker Exposure to Secondhand Cannabis Smoke. III. Oral Fluid and Blood Drug Concentrations and Corresponding Subjective Effects

Editors choice: Nonsmoker Exposure to Secondhand Cannabis Smoke. III. Oral Fluid and Blood Drug Concentrations and Corresponding Subjective Effects




The increasing use of highly potent strains of cannabis prompted this new evaluation of human toxicology and subjective effects following passive exposure to cannabis smoke. The study was designed to produce extreme cannabis smoke exposure conditions tolerable to drug-free nonsmokers. Six experienced cannabis users smoked cannabis cigarettes [5.3% Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in Session 1 and 11.3% THC in Sessions 2 and 3] in a closed chamber. Six nonsmokers were seated alternately with smokers during exposure sessions of 1 h duration. Sessions 1 and 2 were conducted with no ventilation and ventilation was employed in Session 3. Oral fluid, whole blood and subjective effect measures were obtained before and at multiple time points after each session. Oral fluid was analyzed by ELISA (4 ng/mL cutoff concentration) and by LC–MS-MS (limit of quantitation) for THC (1 ng/mL) and total THCCOOH (0.02 ng/mL). Blood was analyzed by LC–MS-MS (0.5 ng/mL) for THC, 11-OH-THC and free THCCOOH. Positive tests for THC in oral fluid and blood were obtained for nonsmokers up to 3 h following exposure. Ratings of subjective effects correlated with the degree of exposure. Subjective effect measures and amounts of THC absorbed by nonsmokers (relative to smokers) indicated that extreme secondhand cannabis smoke exposure mimicked, though to a lesser extent, active cannabis smoking.
机译:越来越多地使用强效大麻菌株,促使人们对被动接触大麻烟后人体毒理学和主观效果进行了新的评估。该研究旨在产生无毒品非吸烟者可以忍受的极端大麻烟雾暴露条件。六名有经验的大麻使用者在封闭的房间内抽大麻烟[在会议1中为5.3%Δ 9 -四氢大麻酚(THC),在会议2和3中为11.3%的THC]。在1小时的暴露时间中,六名不吸烟者与吸烟者轮流坐下。第1和第2节在没有通气的情况下进行,第3节采用了通气。在每节之前和之后的多个时间点获得了口服液,全血和主观效果指标。口服液通过ELISA(4 ng / mL截止浓度)和LC-MS-MS(定量限)进行了THC(1 ng / mL)和总THCCOOH(0.02 ng / mL)分析。通过LC-MS-MS(0.5 ng / mL)对血液进行了THC,11-OH-THC和游离THCCOOH分析。暴露后3小时内,非吸烟者在口腔液和血液中的THC呈阳性。主观效果的等级与接触程度相关。非吸烟者(相对于吸烟者)的主观效果量度和四氢大麻酚吸收量表明,极端二手大麻烟雾暴露模仿了主动大麻吸烟,尽管程度较小。



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