首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Health Policy and Planning >Strategic leadership capacity building for Sub-Saharan African health systems and public health governance: a multi-country assessment of essential competencies and optimal design for a Pan African DrPH

Strategic leadership capacity building for Sub-Saharan African health systems and public health governance: a multi-country assessment of essential competencies and optimal design for a Pan African DrPH




Leadership capacity needs development and nurturing at all levels for strong health systems governance and improved outcomes. The Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) is a professional, interdisciplinary terminal degree focused on strategic leadership capacity building. The concept is not new and there are several programmes globally–but none within Africa, despite its urgent need for strong strategic leadership in health. To address this gap, a consortium of institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa, UK and North America have embarked on a collaboration to develop and implement a pan-African DrPH with support from the Rockefeller Foundation. This paper presents findings of research to verify relevance, identify competencies and support programme design and customization. A mixed methods cross sectional multi-country study was conducted in Ghana, South Africa and Uganda. Data collection involved a non-exhaustive desk review, 34 key informant (KI) interviews with past and present health sector leaders and a questionnaire with closed and open ended items administered to 271 potential DrPH trainees. Most study participants saw the concept of a pan-African DrPH as relevant and timely. Strategic leadership competencies identified by KI included providing vision and inspiration for the organization, core personal values and character qualities such as integrity and trustworthiness, skills in adapting to situations and context and creating and maintaining effective change and systems. There was consensus that programme design should emphasize learning by doing and application of theory to professional practice. Short residential periods for peer-to-peer and peer-to-facilitator engagement and learning, interspaced with facilitated workplace based learning, including coaching and mentoring, was the preferred model for programme implementation. The introduction of a pan-African DrPH with a focus on strategic leadership is relevant and timely. Core competencies, optimal design and customization for the sub-Saharan African context has broad consensus in the study setting.
机译:领导能力需要在各级进行发展和培养,以实现强有力的卫生系统治理和改善成果。公共卫生博士(DrPH)是一个专业,跨学科的终端学位,专注于战略领导能力的建设。这个概念并不新鲜,全球范围内有多个计划,尽管非洲迫切需要在健康方面具有强有力的战略领导力,但非洲却没有。为了解决这一差距,在洛克菲勒基金会的支持下,撒哈拉以南非洲,英国和北美的机构财团已着手开展合作,以开发和实施泛非DrPH。本文介绍了研究结果,以验证相关性,确定能力并支持程序设计和定制。在加纳,南非和乌干达进行了混合方法横断面多国研究。数据收集包括非详尽的案头审查,对过去和现在的卫生部门领导人的34位关键线人(KI)采访以及对271名潜在的DrPH学员管理的封闭式和开放式项目的调查表。大多数研究参与者认为泛非洲DrPH的概念是相关且及时的。 KI所确定的战略领导能力包括为组织提供远景和灵感,核心个人价值观和品格素质(例如诚信和守信),适应情况和环境的技巧以及创造和维持有效的变革和体系的技能。大家一致认为,程序设计应强调通过实践进行理论学习并将其应用于专业实践。计划实施的首选模型是在较短的居住时间内进行点对点和点对点促进者的参与和学习,并与基于工作场所的便利学习(包括辅导和指导)相隔一定距离。引入以战略领导为重点的泛非DrPH是恰当且及时的。在撒哈拉以南非洲地区,核心能力,最佳设计和定制化在研究环境中已达成广泛共识。



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