首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Nematology >Relationship between Root Growth of Potato Root Diffusate Production andHatching of Globodera rostochiensis

Relationship between Root Growth of Potato Root Diffusate Production andHatching of Globodera rostochiensis




Hatching response of Globodera rostochiensis in potato root diffusate (PRD) collected by soaking individual potato, Solanum tuberosum, root systems in water for 2 hours was used to assess the relationship between root growth and PRD production. Resistant potato cultivars Hudson and Rosa were used as test plants. Maximum hatch occurred in PRD collected 3 weeks after plant emergence (AE) in the greenhouse, and declined after this time. Hatch was positively correlated with increased root weight only during the first 3 weeks AE. Hudson PRD was consistently more active than Rosa PRD in stimulating hatch, except when adjusted for root weight. Although the results indicated that cells at the root tip produced a more active PRD than cells located elsewhere, PRD appeared to be produced along the entire root. Differences in time length of the vegetative growth phase, extent of root growth, and volume of roots, rather than the production of a more active PRD per se, may explain why Hudson is more effective than Rosa in reducing G. rostochiensis population densities in soil.
机译:通过将单个马铃薯,马铃薯,根系在水中浸泡2小时收集的马铃薯根系散布物(PRD)中的圆球菌(Globodera rostochiensis)的孵化响应,以评估根系生长与PRD产生之间的关系。抗性马铃薯品种Hudson和Rosa被用作试验植物。大棚孵化发生在温室植物出苗(AE)3周后收集的PRD中,此后下降。孵化仅在AE的前3周与根重增加呈正相关。除调整根重外,Hudson PRD在刺激孵化方面一直比Rosa PRD活跃。尽管结果表明,根尖的细胞比其他地方的细胞产生更活跃的PRD,但PRD似乎是沿着整个根产生的。营养生长阶段时间长度,根系生长程度和根系数量的差异,而不是本身产生活性更高的PRD的差异,可以解释为什么哈德森在降低土壤中罗氏沼虾种群密度方面比罗莎更有效。 。



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