首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Development (Cambridge England) >A Pak-regulated cell intercalation event leading to a novel radial cell polarity is involved in positioning of the follicle stem cell niche in the Drosophila ovary

A Pak-regulated cell intercalation event leading to a novel radial cell polarity is involved in positioning of the follicle stem cell niche in the Drosophila ovary




In the germarium of the Drosophila ovary, germline cysts are encapsulated one at a time by a follicular epithelium derived from two follicle stem cells (FSCs). Ovaries in flies mutant for the serine/threonine kinase Pak exhibit a novel phenotype, in which two side-by-side cysts are encapsulated at a time, generating paired egg chambers. This striking phenotype originates in the pupal ovary, where the developing germarium is shaped by the basal stalk, a stack of cells formed by cell intercalation. The process of basal stalk formation is not well understood, and we provide evidence that the cell intercalation is driven by actomyosin contractility of DE-Cadherin-adhered cells, leading to a column of disk-shaped cells exhibiting a novel radial cell polarity. Cell intercalation fails in Pak mutant ovaries, leading to abnormally wide basal stalks and consequently wide germaria with side-by-side cysts. We present evidence that Pak mutant germaria have extra FSCs, and we propose that contact of a germline cyst with the basal stalk in the pupal ovary contributes to FSC niche formation. The wide basal stalk in Pak mutants enables the formation of extra FSC niches which are mispositioned and yet functional, indicating that the FSC niche can be established in diverse locations.
机译:在果蝇卵巢的胚芽囊中,种系囊肿一次被来自两个卵泡干细胞(FSC)的卵泡上皮包裹着。丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶Pak的果蝇突变体中的卵巢表现出新的表型,其中两个并排的囊肿一次被封装,形成了成对的卵室。这种惊人的表型起源于the卵巢,那里的发育中的胚芽是由基茎形成的,基茎是通过细胞嵌入形成的一堆细胞。基底茎形成的过程尚不十分清楚,我们提供的证据表明,细胞嵌入是由DE-钙黏着蛋白粘附的细胞的肌动球蛋白收缩力驱动的,导致一列盘状细胞表现出新的放射状细胞极性。 Pak突变卵巢中的细胞插入失败,导致异常宽的基础茎秆,进而导致宽广的细菌感染,并排囊肿。我们提供的证据表明,白突变突变菌有额外的FSC,并且我们提出种系囊肿与the卵巢基茎的接触有助于FSC生态位的形成。 Pak突变体中广泛的基础茎能够形成额外的FSC壁ches,这些壁ni位置不正确但仍具有功能,表明FSC利基可以在不同的位置建立。



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