首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Clinical Infectious Diseases: An Official Publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America >Using Participatory Workshops to Assess Alignment or Tension in the Community for Minimally Invasive Tissue Sampling Prior to Start of Child Mortality Surveillance: Lessons From 5 Sites Across the CHAMPS Network

Using Participatory Workshops to Assess Alignment or Tension in the Community for Minimally Invasive Tissue Sampling Prior to Start of Child Mortality Surveillance: Lessons From 5 Sites Across the CHAMPS Network




The Child Health and Mortality Prevention Surveillance (CHAMPS) program is a 7-country network (as of December 2018) established by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to identify the causes of death in children in communities with high rates of under-5 mortality. The program carries out both mortality and pregnancy surveillance, and mortality surveillance employs minimally invasive tissue sampling (MITS) to gather small samples of body fluids and tissue from the bodies of children who have died. While this method will lead to greater knowledge of the specific causes of childhood mortality, the procedure is in tension with cultural and religious norms in many of the countries where CHAMPS works—Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, and South Africa. Participatory Inquiry Into Community Knowledge of Child Health and Mortality Prevention (PICK-CHAMP) is a community entry activity designed to introduce CHAMPS to communities and gather initial perspectives on alignments and tensions between CHAMPS activities and community perceptions and priorities. Participants’ responses revealed medium levels of overall alignment in all sites (with the exception of South Africa, where alignment was high) and medium levels of tension (with the exception of Ethiopia, where tension was high). Alignment was high and tension was low for pregnancy surveillance across all sites, whereas Ethiopia reflected low alignment and high tension for MITS. Participants across all sites indicated that support for MITS was possible only if the procedure did not interfere with burial practices and rituals.
机译:儿童健康和死亡率预防监视(CHAMPS)计划是一个由7个国家组成的网络(截至2018年12月),由比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会(Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation)建立,目的是确定5岁以下死亡率较高的社区中儿童的死亡原因。该计划同时进行死亡率和妊娠监测,而死亡率监测则采用微创组织采样(MITS)收集死亡儿童尸体的少量体液和组织样本。尽管此方法将使人们更加了解儿童死亡率的具体原因,但在CHAMPS开展工作的许多国家(孟加拉国,埃塞俄比亚,肯尼亚,马里,莫桑比克,塞拉利昂和南部),该程序与文化和宗教规范存在着矛盾。非洲。对儿童健康和死亡率预防的社区知识进行参与式调查(PICK-CHAMP)是一项旨在将CHAMPS引入社区并收集有关CHAMPS活动与社区观念和优先事项之间的契合和紧张关系的初步观点的社区进入活动。参与者的回答显示,所有地点的总体一致水平处于中等水平(南非除外,高度一致),而紧张局势则中等水平(埃塞俄比亚除外,紧张程度很高)。在所有地点进行妊娠监测的一致性高,紧张度低,而埃塞俄比亚则反映出MITS的一致性低而紧张。所有地点的参与者都表示,只有在该程序不干扰埋葬方式和礼节的情况下,才可能支持MITS。


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