
WHO’s in Second?




World Health Organization (WHO) group 2 pulmonary hypertension (PH) due to left-side heart disease (ie, heart failure or left-sided valvular heart disease) is the most common form of PH in western countries. Distinguishing patients with WHO group 2 PH, particularly the subset of patients with PH due to heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), from those with WHO group 1 pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is challenging. Separating the two conditions is of vital importance because treatment strategies differ completely. Furthermore, therapies that are indicated for WHO group 1 PAH may be harmful in patients with WHO group 2 PH. We review the somewhat confusing PH nomenclature and the WHO classification system and rationale behind it. We then focus on left-side heart disorders that cause PH. An aging population and advances in the medical management of common cardiovascular disorders have caused the prevalence of heart failure to rise significantly, with more than one-half of patients having HFpEF. We review contemporary studies that focus on clinical and echocardiographic findings that help to distinguish HFpEF from PAH in the patient with PH. We discuss the typical, and sometimes atypical, hemodynamic profiles that characterize these two groups, review challenges in the interpretation of data obtained by right-sided heart catheterization, and highlight special maneuvers that may be required for accurate diagnosis. Finally, we review the largely disappointing studies on the use of PAH-specific therapies in patients with WHO group 2 PH, including the use of prostacyclins, endothelin receptor antagonists, and the more promising phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors.
机译:世界卫生组织(WHO)第2组由于左侧心脏病(即心力衰竭或左侧瓣膜性心脏病)引起的肺动脉高压(PH)是西方国家最常见的PH形式。区分WHO 2组PH的患者,特别是与心律不齐的射血分数(HFpEF)保留的心衰患者与WHO 1组肺动脉高压(PAH)的患者的区别。分离这两种情况至关重要,因为治疗策略完全不同。此外,WHO第1组PAH的治疗指征可能对WHO 2组PH的患者有害。我们回顾了一些令人困惑的PH术语和WHO分类系统及其背后的原理。然后,我们将重点研究引起PH的左侧心脏疾病。人口老龄化和常见心血管疾病的医疗管理的进步已导致心力衰竭的患病率显着上升,超过一半的患者患有HFpEF。我们回顾了关注临床和超声心动图发现的当代研究,这些发现有助于区分PH患者的HFpEF和PAH。我们讨论了表征这两组的典型的,有时是非典型的血液动力学特征,回顾了右侧心脏导管插入术对数据解释的挑战,并强调了准确诊断可能需要的特殊操作。最后,我们回顾了在WHO 2组PH患者中使用PAH特异性疗法的令人失望的研究,包括前列腺素,内皮素受体拮抗剂和更有希望的磷酸二酯酶5抑制剂的使用。




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