首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology >Repeated binge access to a palatable food alters feeding behavior hormone profile and hindbrain c-Fos responses to a test meal in adult male rats

Repeated binge access to a palatable food alters feeding behavior hormone profile and hindbrain c-Fos responses to a test meal in adult male rats




Repetitive cycles of palatable food access and chronic calorie restriction alter feeding behaviors and forebrain neural systems. The purpose of this study was to determine the behavioral, endocrine, and meal-related hindbrain neural activation in adult male Sprague-Dawley rats exposed to a binge-access feeding schedule. The binge-access schedule consisted of repeated twice-per-week episodes of acute calorie restriction (to one-third of the previous day's intake) followed by 2 h of concurrent access to high-calorie palatable food (sweetened fat: 90% vegetable shortening-10% sucrose) and chow. The binge-access rats consumed more calories during the “binge” period than rats with continuous access to sweetened fat (continuous-access group) or subjected to repeated acute calorie restriction only (chow-restricted group). The binge-access group also exhibited a ∼25% increase in sweetened fat intake from week 1 to week 6. Persistence of the binge phenotype in the binge-access animals was demonstrated 2 wk, but not 4 wk, after ad libitum chow. The binge-access and chow-restricted groups maintained a similar normal body composition and hormonal profiles, whereas the continuous-access animals developed an obese phenotype. Terminal ghrelin levels were significantly higher in the binge-access group than in the continuous-access group. Consumption of a standardized meal resulted in more c-Fos-positive cells along the anterior-posterior nucleus of the solitary tract regions in the binge-access group than in naive controls. These results suggest that repeated cycles of acute calorie restriction followed by palatable food produce physiological alterations that may facilitate overconsumption of a highly palatable food during limited-access periods.
机译:美味食物的反复循环和长期卡路里限制会改变喂养行为和前脑神经系统。这项研究的目的是确定暴饮暴食的成年雄性Sprague-Dawley大鼠的行为,内分泌和进餐相关的后脑神经激活。暴饮暴食日程包括每周两次重复两次急性卡路里限制(至前一天摄入量的三分之一),然后同时食用2小时高热量可口食物(加糖脂肪:缩短90%的蔬菜) -10%蔗糖)和松饼。暴饮暴食的老鼠在“暴饮暴食”期间消耗的卡路里比连续摄入甜味脂肪的老鼠(持续摄入的老鼠)或仅反复受到急性卡路里限制的老鼠(低吼的限制者)要多。从第1周到第6周,暴饮暴食组的甜味脂肪摄入量也增加了约25%。在随意饮食后,暴饮暴食动物的狂暴表型持续存在2周,而不是4周。暴饮暴食和限制食物的人群保持相似的正常身体组成和荷尔蒙特征,而连续进食的动物表现出肥胖的表型。暴饮暴食组的终末生长素释放肽水平显着高于连续暴饮暴食组。与未使用的对照组相比,进食标准化膳食会导致暴饮暴食组中孤立道区域前后核的c-Fos阳性细胞增多。这些结果表明,重复的急性卡路里限制和随后的可口食物循环会产生生理变化,这可能会在有限的获取时间内促进高度可口食物的过度消费。



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