首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>American Journal of Epidemiology >Decomposing Black-White Disparities in Heart Disease Mortality in the United States 1973–2010: An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis

Decomposing Black-White Disparities in Heart Disease Mortality in the United States 1973–2010: An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis




Against the backdrop of late 20th century declines in heart disease mortality in the United States, race-specific rates diverged because of slower declines among blacks compared with whites. To characterize the temporal dynamics of emerging black-white racial disparities in heart disease mortality, we decomposed race-sex–specific trends in an age-period-cohort (APC) analysis of US mortality data for all diseases of the heart among adults aged ≥35 years from 1973 to 2010. The black-white gap was largest among adults aged 35–59 years (rate ratios ranged from 1.2 to 2.7 for men and from 2.3 to 4.0 for women) and widened with successive birth cohorts, particularly for men. APC model estimates suggested strong independent trends across generations (“cohort effects”) but only modest period changes. Among men, cohort-specific black-white racial differences emerged in the 1920–1960 birth cohorts. The apparent strength of the cohort trends raises questions about life-course inequalities in the social and health environments experienced by blacks and whites which could have affected their biomedical and behavioral risk factors for heart disease. The APC results suggest that the genesis of racial disparities is neither static nor restricted to a single time scale such as age or period, and they support the importance of equity in life-course exposures for reducing racial disparities in heart disease.
机译:在20世纪末,美国心脏病死亡率下降的背景下,由于黑人与白人的下降速度较慢,因此针对种族的比率有所不同。为了表征心脏病死亡率中新出现的黑白种族差异的时间动态,我们在年龄段队列(APC)分析中对所有种族中≥成年人的美国死亡率数据进行了种族性别特定趋势的分解从1973年到2010年的35年。黑白差距在35-59岁的成年人中最大(男性的比率范围从1.2到2.7,女性的比率从2.3到4.0)并且随着连续的出生队列而扩大,尤其是男性。 APC模型估计值表明各代人之间存在强烈的独立趋势(“队列效应”),但只有适度的周期变化。在男性中,1920-1960年出生的队列出现了特定于队列的黑白种族差异。队列趋势的明显优势引起了人们对黑人和白人所经历的社会和健康环境中生命历程不平等的质疑,这可能会影响其心脏病的生物医学和行为危险因素。 APC的结果表明,种族差异的产生既不是静态的,也不是局限于一个单一的时间尺度(例如年龄或时期),并且它们支持生命过程暴露中公平对减少心脏病中种族差异的重要性。



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