首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >A Systematic Review of Sexual and Reproductive Health Knowledge Experiences and Access to Services among Refugee Migrant and Displaced Girls and Young Women in Africa

A Systematic Review of Sexual and Reproductive Health Knowledge Experiences and Access to Services among Refugee Migrant and Displaced Girls and Young Women in Africa




Adolescent girls and young women are an overlooked group within conflict- or disaster-affected populations, and their sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs are often neglected. Existing evidence shows that forced migration and human mobility make girls and women more vulnerable to poor SRH outcomes such as high risk sexual behaviors, lack of contraception use, STIs and HIV/AIDS. We performed a systematic literature review to explore knowledge, experiences and access to SRH services in this population group across the African continent. Two databases (PubMed and Web of Science) were searched and from 896 identified publications, 15 peer-reviewed articles published in English met the inclusion criteria for this review. These consisted of eight applied qualitative, five quantitative and two mixed-method study designs. The quality of the studies was evaluated by the mixed-methods appraisal tool (MMAT) using scores in percentages (0–100%). Available evidence indicates that knowledge of young women and girls regarding contraceptive methods, STIs and HIV/AIDS are limited. This population group often experiences gender-based and sexual violence and abuse. The access and availability of SRH services are often limited due to distances, costs and stigma. This review demonstrates that there is still a dearth of peer-reviewed literature on SRH related aspects among refugee, migrant and displaced girls and young women in Africa. The data disaggregation by sex and age should be emphasized for future research in this field.
机译:在受冲突或灾害影响的人群中,少女和年轻妇女是一个被忽视的群体,他们的性健康和生殖健康(SRH)需求经常被忽略。现有证据表明,强迫迁徙和人口流动使女孩和妇女更容易遭受性健康和生殖健康不良的后果,例如高风险的性行为,缺乏避孕措施,性传播感染和艾滋病毒/艾滋病。我们进行了系统的文献综述,以探索整个非洲大陆这一人群的知识,经验和获得性健康和生殖健康服务的途径。搜索了两个数据库(PubMed和Web of Science),从896个确定的出版物中,有15篇以英文发表的经过同行评审的文章均符合该评价的纳入标准。其中包括八项应用定性研究,五项定量研究和两种混合方法研究设计。通过混合方法评估工具(MMAT)使用百分比分数(0–100%)评估研究质量。现有证据表明,年轻妇女和女童对避孕方法,性传播感染和艾滋病毒/艾滋病的了解有限。该人群经常遭受基于性别的性暴力和性虐待。由于距离,成本和污名,SRH服务的访问和可用性通常受到限制。这项审查表明,在非洲的难民,移民和流离失所的女孩与年轻妇女中,与性健康和生殖健康相关的方面还缺乏同行评审的文献。应强调按性别和年龄分类的数据,以供将来在该领域进行研究。



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