首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>African Journal of Traditional Complementary and Alternative Medicines >Methanol Fractionations of Catha Edulis Frosk (Celastraceae) Contracted Lewis Rat Aorta In Vitro: A Comparison Between Crimson and Green Leaves

Methanol Fractionations of Catha Edulis Frosk (Celastraceae) Contracted Lewis Rat Aorta In Vitro: A Comparison Between Crimson and Green Leaves




The study investigated the effect of methanol extract and its fractionations obtained from Yemeni khat on the smooth muscle isometric tension in Lewis rat aortal ring preparations and compared the effects of the crimson and green leaves. Khat leaves were sorted into green (khat Light; KL) and crimson (khat Dark; KD) leaves, extracted with methanol, followed with solvent-solvent extraction (benzene, chloroform and ethylacetate). The contractile activity of the fractions was tested using aortal ring preparations. The control (phenylepherine contraction) methanol extracts contracted aortas at concentrations 250, 125 and 67.5 µg /1 ml buffer by 80.2%, 57.3%, 26.4% and 81.5%, 65.6%, 24.6% for KL and KD, respectively. Fractions of benzene (BF) and ethylacetate (EaF) contracted the aorta with 2µgm, whereas, chloroform (ChF) with 1 µgm / 1 ml buffer was less potent. The shape of contraction curve produced by EaF differed from that of ChF and BF of both (KL and KD). The EaF induced-contraction peaked after 3.3 ± 0.94 mins, whereas those of BF and CHF peaked after 18.0 ± 2.2, 19.7 ± 0.94 mins, respectively. Pre-incubation with nifedipine (10−6 M) insignificantly reduced the contraction induced by all fractionations, but prazosin (10−6 M) reduced the contraction by 81.9%, 63.1%, 71.8% with p= 0.23, 0.09, 0.15 for BF, ChF and EaF of KL, respectively. It significantly reduced contraction of ChF, 64.1%; p= 0.02, and of EaF, 73.5%; p= 0.04 of KD, while the reduction in contraction of BF was 63.1%; p= 0.06. In conclusion, fractions of green and crimson Yemeni khat leaves contracted aortas of Lewis rats. Both leaves behave almost similarly. Contraction induced by chloroform fraction produced alpha-sympathetic activity.
机译:该研究调查了也门卡塔叶中甲醇提取物及其分离物对Lewis大鼠主动脉环制剂中平滑肌等轴测张力的影响,并比较了深红色和绿色叶子的影响。将桔白叶分类为绿色(桔色; KL)和深红色(桔色; KD)叶,先用甲醇萃取,然后用溶剂-溶剂萃取(苯,氯仿和乙酸乙酯)。使用主动脉环制剂测试级分的收缩活性。对照(苯肾上腺素收缩)甲醇提取物在KL和KD浓度分别为250、125和67.5 µg / 1 ml缓冲液时收缩了80.2%,57.3%,26.4%和81.5%,65.6%,24.6%。苯(BF)和乙酸乙酯(EaF)的馏分使主动脉收缩2 µgm,而氯仿(ChF)与1 µgm / 1 ml缓冲液的效力较低。由EaF产生的收缩曲线的形状不同于(KL和KD)的ChF和BF的形状。 EaF引起的收缩在3.3±0.94分钟后达到峰值,而BF和CHF的收缩分别在18.0±2.2、19.7±0.94分钟后达到峰值。硝苯地平(10 −6 M)预孵育可显着降低所有分级分离诱导的收缩,但哌唑嗪(10 -6 M)可将收缩降低81.9%,63.1 KL的BF,ChF和EaF分别为%,71.8%和p = 0.23、0.09、0.15。它显着减少了ChF的收缩,为64.1%; p = 0.02,EaF为73.5%; p = 0.04 KD,而BF的收缩减少为63.1%; p = 0.06。总之,绿色和深红色也门卡塔叶的一部分收缩了Lewis大鼠的主动脉。两片叶子的行为几乎相似。由氯仿馏分引起的收缩产生α-交感活性。



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