首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>American Journal of Mens Health >An Investigation of Health Management Perceptions and Wellness Behaviors in African American Males in Central Texas

An Investigation of Health Management Perceptions and Wellness Behaviors in African American Males in Central Texas




Little is known regarding interventions that incorporate health management perceptions among African American (AA) men, to reduce the risk for developing various medical conditions. Using the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), the study objective was to better understand health-care perceptions of AA men by assessing participants’ attitudes, subjective norms (SNs), and perceived behavioral control (PBC) regarding health management. AA adult males in Texas were recruited to participate in one of four qualitative focus groups. The TPB was used to assess participants’ attitudes (advantages/disadvantages), SNs (approvers/disapprovers), and PBC (enablers/barriers) regarding health management. All four sessions were audiotaped, transcribed, and independently analyzed by researchers to identify major themes. Participants (n = 23) were 45.2 ± 16.2 years of age (range 24–74). Regarding attitudes toward health management, participants viewed increased longevity and avoiding future health problems as advantages; however, increased cost, lack of confidence in health care, and social pressures were disadvantages. Regarding SNs, parents and children were positive influencers, while spouses and coworkers were both positive and negative influencers. For PBC, a support system and health awareness were identified as enablers, while medical mistrust, fear, and culture were barriers. The results convey that health management behaviors in AA males are multifaceted. Health-care providers should seek to understand these factors, discuss these issues with AA males, and integrate treatment strategies that are culturally informed and patient centered. Findings from this study may be used to develop targeted interventions that improve health outcomes for AA males.
机译:关于将非裔美国人(AA)男性中的健康管理观念纳入其中以减少患各种疾病的风险的干预措施知之甚少。使用计划行为理论(TPB),研究目标是通过评估参与者对健康管理的态度,主观规范(SN)和知觉行为控制(PBC)来更好地理解AA男性的健康护理观念。招募了德克萨斯州的AA成年男性参加四个定性焦点小组之一。 TPB用于评估参与者对健康管理的态度(优缺点),SN(批准者/不赞成者)和PBC(促成因素/障碍)。研究人员对这四个会话进行了录音,转录和独立分析,以识别主要主题。参与者(n = 23)年龄为45.2±16.2岁(范围24-74)。关于健康管理的态度,与会人员认为延长寿命和避免将来出现健康问题是有利的;然而,成本增加,对医疗保健缺乏信心以及社会压力是不利条件。关于特殊目的者,父母和孩子是积极的影响者,而配偶和同事则是积极和消极的影响者。对于PBC,支持系统和健康意识被确定为推动因素,而医疗不信任,恐惧和文化是障碍。结果表明,AA男性的健康管理行为是多方面的。卫生保健提供者应设法了解这些因素,与AA男性讨论这些问题,并整合具有文化背景和以患者为中心的治疗策略。这项研究的结果可用于开发有针对性的干预措施,以改善AA男性的健康状况。



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