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Murine Typhus in Returned Travelers: A Report of Thirty-Two Cases




Murine typhus, caused by Rickettsia typhi and transmitted mainly by the rat fleas, Xenopsylla cheopis, has emerged in the field of travel medicine. We analyzed retrospectively the epidemiological, clinical, and biological characteristics of the 32 murine typhus cases that were diagnosed during the past 3 years at the World Health Organization Collaborative Center for Rickettsial diseases, Marseille, France. All of the cases occurred in travelers and most of them had returned from Africa (N = 13 of 32) and South-east Asia (N = 12 of 32). Exposure to rats was reported only in a few (N = 2 of 32) patients. Almost half of the cases were diagnosed in August and September. Only four patients presented the classic triad: fever, rash, and headache. Moreover, we report the first known cases of a hemophagocytic syndrome associated with this disease. Murine typhus must be considered as an etiologic agent of febrile illness in returning travelers, particularly in those with unspecific symptoms.
机译:鼠伤寒由斑疹伤寒立克次氏体引起,主要由鼠蚤Xenopsylla cheopis传播,已出现在旅行医学领域。我们回顾性分析了在过去3年中在法国马赛世界卫生组织立克次病合作中心诊断出的32例鼠伤寒病例的流行病学,临床和生物学特征。所有这些病例都发生在旅行者中,其中大多数是从非洲(32例中的13例)和东南亚(32例中的12例)返回的。仅在少数(32例中的N = 2例)患者中有大鼠暴露。几乎一半的病例在8月和9月被诊断出。只有四位患者表现出经典的三联征:发烧,皮疹和头痛。此外,我们报告了与此疾病相关的噬血细胞综合征的第一个已知病例。在返回的旅客中,尤其是那些症状不明确的旅客,必须将鼠伤寒视为发热疾病的病因。



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