首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings >Medical informatics in a medical research facility. An interactive multimedia presentation. Diabetes as a model.

Medical informatics in a medical research facility. An interactive multimedia presentation. Diabetes as a model.




This interactive demonstration provides a model for integrating information in a medical facility. By the use of networking computers, diagnostic data and scientific data are shared between geographically-separated clinical and research units. Data collected in a patient database in the outpatient clinic is sorted on specified qualifying criteria and the resulting subset further analyzed for research studies. To show the process of patient selection from a general database to a diabetes database, and further selection to a subset of diabetes, i.e., Diabetic Neuropathy, the authors used HyperCard. Firstly, HyperCard provided us with a flexible design allowing for both vertical and horizontal progressions. Because we wanted to include an educational component on diabetes and its complications, this flexibility was important. At any point in the demonstration, the viewer is able to access more information nested in several levels. Secondly, we wanted to be able to import a variety of programs that are used to translate diagnostic data into scientific data that is analyzed and prepared for publication in a medical textbook or journal. According to Douglas Adams, author of "Pathways and Relationships", HyperCard occupies the same niche in the evolution of software as human beings do in the evolution of life. "It's the fact that we are unspecialized but infinitely adaptable that has been our success as a species. In the same way, HyperCard is unspecialized but can turn its hand to any kind of task. And if the task is beyond it, HyperCard can use the phone, go for a ride on Excel, or go out and find a powerful graphics tool or sophisticated wordprocessing program!"
机译:该交互式演示提供了用于在医疗机构中集成信息的模型。通过使用联网计算机,诊断数据和科学数据在地理上分开的临床和研究单位之间共享。在门诊诊所的患者数据库中收集的数据按照指定的合格标准进行排序,并进一步分析所得子集以进行研究。为了显示从一般数据库到糖尿病数据库的患者选择过程,以及进一步选择糖尿病子集(即糖尿病性神经病)的过程,作者使用了HyperCard。首先,HyperCard为我们提供了灵活的设计,可以同时进行垂直和水平移动。因为我们想纳入有关糖尿病及其并发症的教育内容,所以灵活性非常重要。在演示的任何时候,查看者都可以访问嵌套在多个级别中的更多信息。其次,我们希望能够导入用于将诊断数据转换为科学数据的各种程序,这些程序经过分析并准备在医学教科书或杂志上发表。据《途径与关系》(Pathways and Relationships)的作者道格拉斯·亚当斯(Douglas Adams)称,HyperCard在软件发展中的地位与人类在生命发展中的地位相同。 “事实上,我们是非专业的,但具有无限适应能力,这是我们作为一个物种取得的成功。以同样的方式,HyperCard是非专业的,但可以将其交给任何类型的任务。如果任务超出了它,HyperCard可以使用电话,乘坐Excel乘车,或者出去寻找功能强大的图形工具或复杂的文字处理程序!”



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