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Can’t See the (Bamboo) Forest for the Trees: Examining Bamboo’s Fit Within International Forestry Institutions




Over the centuries, governments and international agencies have developed a wide range of institutions to manage timber resources and conserve values provided by treed lands. Concerns regarding the sustainable supply of timber have provided opportunities for the development of substitute resources; however, bamboo and other non-timber forest resources have not been a part of the development of these institutions. Bamboo is a unique Non-Timber Forest Product, as it is often classified as forest or timber, and therefore must adhere to the same regulations as timber. Given the recent global expansion of bamboo, it is timely to examine the interplay between bamboo and the traditional institutions of forest governance. This paper aims to contribute to debates regarding cognitive institutional constraints on the development of substitute natural resources using bamboo as a case study, with specific focus on the applicability of Forest Stewardship Council certification, timber legality verification and Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation to bamboos.
机译:几个世纪以来,政府和国际机构已经建立了广泛的机构来管理木材资源并保护树木所提供的价值。对木材可持续供应的关注为替代资源的开发提供了机会;但是,竹子和其他非木材森林资源并不是这些机构发展的一部分。竹子是一种独特的非木材林产品,通常被归类为森林或木材,因此必须遵守与木材相同的规定。考虑到竹子最近在全球范围内的扩张,现在应该检查竹子与传统森林管理机构之间的相互作用。本文旨在就使用竹子开发替代自然资源的认知制度性约束问题进行辩论,特别是针对森林管理委员会认证的适用性,木材合法性验证以及减少因森林砍伐和森林退化而导致的竹炭排放。 。



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