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Can we rely on magnetic resonance imaging when evaluating unstable atlantoaxial subluxation?




>Methods: 23 patients with unstable aAAS (diagnosed by functional radiography) were examined by functional MRI because of a neck symptom. Twenty two patients had rheumatoid arthritis and one had juvenile idiopathic arthritis. aAAS was diagnosed if the anterior atlantoaxial diameter (AAD) was >3 mm and was considered unstable if the AAD differed by >2 mm between flexion and extension radiographs. The AAD was measured from radiographs (flexion and extension) and MRI images (flexion and neutral). >Results: The extent of aAAS during flexion measured by radiography was greater than that found by MRI in all 23 patients (mean difference 3 mm (95% confidence interval 2 to 4)). In four (17%) patients flexion MRI could not demonstrate aAAS detected by radiography. The difference between the AAD measurements during flexion by these two methods was substantial (that is, ⩾4 mm) in nine (39%) cases. Severe aAAS (⩾9 mm) was seen in 15 (65%) patients by functional radiography and in four (17%) by functional MRI. >Conclusions: The magnitude of aAAS was often substantially smaller when measured by functional MRI rather than by functional radiography. Thus one cannot rely on the result of functional MRI alone; functional radiographs are needed to show the size of unstable aAAS. The maximal extent of the subluxation must be taken into account when the possible compression of neural structures is evaluated by MRI.
机译:>方法:由于颈部症状,通过功能性MRI检查了23例aAAS不稳定(经功能射线照相诊断)的患者。 22名风湿性关节炎患者和1名青少年特发性关节炎患者。如果前寰枢椎直径(AAD)> 3 mm,则诊断为aAAS;如果屈曲和伸展片之间的AAD相差> 2 mm,则认为aAAS不稳定。从放射线照片(屈曲和伸展)和MRI图像(屈曲和中性)测量AAD。 >结果:在所有23例患者中,通过射线照相术测得的屈曲过程中aAAS的范围均大于MRI所发现的范围(平均差3 mm(95%置信区间2至4))。在四名(17%)患者中,屈曲MRI无法显示X线摄片所显示的aAAS。在这九种情况下(39%),这两种方法在屈曲过程中AAD测量值之间的差异很大(即⩾4mm)。功能性放射学检查发现15例(65%)患者出现严重的aAAS(⩾9mm),功能性MRI检查发现4例(17%)患者出现严重aAAS。 >结论:当通过功能性MRI而非功能射线照相术进行测量时,aAAS的大小通常明显较小。因此,人们不能仅仅依靠功能性MRI的结果。需要功能性X射线照片以显示不稳定的aAAS的大小。当通过MRI评估神经结构的可能压缩时,必须考虑半脱位的最大程度。



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