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Amyloid arthropathy in patients undergoing periodical haemodialysis for chronic renal failure: a new complication.




Seven patients (five male and two female) with chronic renal failure (CRF) treated by periodical haemodialysis presented with swelling and effusion of more than three months' duration in knees (four bilateral), shoulders (two, one of them bilateral), elbow (one), and ankle (one). Four had a carpal tunnel syndrome both clinically and electromyographically (three bilateral). All patients had hyperparathyroidism secondary to their CRF, which was not due to amyloidosis in any of them. The dialysis duration period varied from five to 14 years, with an average of 8.6 years. Amyloid deposits (Congo red positive areas with green birefringence under polarising microscopy) were shown in six of the seven synovial biopsy specimens of the knee, in five of the sediments of the synovial fluids, and in specimens removed during carpal tunnel syndrome surgery. No amyloid was found in the biopsy specimen of abdominal fat of six of the patients. The finding of amyloid only in the synovial membrane and fluid, and carpal tunnel, its absence in abdominal fat, and the lack of other manifestations of generalised amyloidosis (cardiomyopathy, malabsorption syndrome, macroglossia, etc.) and of Bence Jones myeloma (protein immunoelectrophoresis normal) raises the possibility that this is a form of amyloidosis which is peculiar to CRF treated by periodical haemodialysis.
机译:定期进行血液透析治疗的7例慢性肾功能衰竭(CRF)患者(男5例,女2例)在膝部(双侧4例),肩部(2例,双侧1例),肘部出现肿胀和积液持续时间超过3个月(一个)和脚踝(一个)。四个在临床上和肌电图上都患有腕管综合症(三个双侧)。所有患者的CRF继发性甲状旁腺功能亢进,这不是由于任何人的淀粉样变性。透析时间从5年到14年不等,平均为8.6年。在膝盖的七个滑膜活检标本中的六个,滑液的沉积物中的五个以及在腕管综合症手术期间取出的标本中显示出淀粉样蛋白沉积物(在偏光显微镜下为刚果红阳性区域,在偏光显微镜下为绿色双折射)。 6名患者的腹部脂肪活检标本中未发现淀粉样蛋白。仅在滑膜和体液以及腕管中发现淀粉样蛋白,在腹部脂肪中不存在淀粉样蛋白,并且缺乏其他形式的广泛性淀粉样变性病(心肌病,吸收不良综合征,大舌症等)和Bence Jones骨髓瘤(蛋白质免疫电泳)正常)会增加这种淀粉样变性病的形式的可能性,这是通过定期血液透析治疗的CRF特有的。



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