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Solid organ transplantation in the 21st century




Solid organ transplantation (SOT) has emerged from an experimental approach in the 20th century to now being an established and practical definitive treatment option for patients with end-organ dysfunction. The evolution of SOT has seen the field progress rapidly over the past few decades with incorporation of a variety of solid organs—liver, kidney, pancreas, heart, and lung—into the donor pool. New advancements in surgical technique have allowed for more efficient and refined multi-organ procurements with minimal complications and decreased ischemic injury events. Additionally, immunosuppression therapy has also seen advancements with the expansion of immunosuppressive protocols to dampen the host immune response and improve short and long-term graft survival. However, the field of SOT faces new barriers, most importantly the expanding demand for SOT that is outpacing the current supply. Allocation protocols have been developed in an attempt to address these concerns. Other avenues for SOT are also being explored to increase the donor pool, including split-liver donor transplants, islet cell implantation for pancreas transplants, and xenotransplantation. The future of SOT is bright with exciting new research being explored to overcome current obstacles.
机译:实体器官移植(SOT)从20世纪的一种实验方法发展到如今已成为针对终末器官功能障碍患者的既定且实用的确定性治疗选择。在过去的几十年中,SOT的发展使该领域迅速发展,将各种实体器官(肝脏,肾脏,胰腺,心脏和肺)整合到供体池中。外科技术的新进步允许更有效,更精确地采购多器官,同时并发症最少且缺血性损伤事件减少。此外,随着免疫抑制方案的扩展,以抑制宿主的免疫反应并改善短期和长期移植物存活,免疫抑制疗法也取得了进步。但是,SOT领域面临新的壁垒,最重要的是,对SOT的需求增长超过了当前的供应。为了解决这些问题,已经开发了分配协议。 SOT的其他途径也正在探索中,以增加供体库,包括分肝供体移植,胰岛移植胰岛细胞移植和异种移植。 SOT的未来是光明的,正在探索令人兴奋的新研究来克服当前的障碍。



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