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Activities of ciprofloxacin and ofloxacin against rapidly growing mycobacteria with demonstration of acquired resistance following single-drug therapy.




The susceptibility to ciprofloxacin of 548 clinical isolates of rapidly growing mycobacteria belonging to eight subgroups or species was determined. The 170 isolates of Mycobacterium fortuitum biovar.fortuitum were most susceptible; the MIC for 90% of the organisms was 0.125 micrograms/ml. The other biovariants of M. fortuitum, M. smegmatis, and the M. chelonae-like organisms were less susceptible; the modal MIC was 0.5 micrograms/ml, and the MIC for 90% of organisms was 1.0 micrograms/ml. The two subspecies of M. chelonae were generally resistant, with only 8% of 206 isolates falling in the moderately susceptible category (MIC, 2 micrograms/ml) and only 2% falling in the susceptible category (MIC, less than or equal to 1 micrograms/ml). MICs of ofloxacin averaged 1 to 2 dilutions higher than those of ciprofloxacin for all subgroups tested. Three patients with M. fortuitum cutaneous disease relapsed after an initial response to therapy with ciprofloxacin, and their isolate was shown to have acquired drug resistance. Mutational frequencies for M. fortuitum with ciprofloxacin were relatively high (10(-5) to 10(-7), and MICs for single-step mutants were similar to those for the clinically resistant strains. Thus, despite the excellent activity of ciprofloxacin against rapidly growing mycobacterial groups other than M. chelonae, single-drug therapy should be used with caution because of the risk of development of mutational resistance.
机译:确定了属于八个亚组或物种的548株快速增长的分枝杆菌临床分离株对环丙沙星的敏感性。福特分枝杆菌生物变种的170个分离株最易感; 90%的微生物的MIC为0.125微克/毫升。 Fortuitum,Ms smegmatis和chelonae样生物的其他生物变体较不易感染。模态MIC为0.5微克/毫升,而90%生物体的MIC为1.0微克/毫升。 chelonae的两个亚种通常具有抗药性,在206个分离株中,只有8%属于中度敏感类别(MIC,2微克/毫升),只有2%属于敏感类别(MIC,小于或等于1)微克/毫升)。在所有测试的亚组中,氧氟沙星的MIC平均比环丙沙星的MIC高1-2倍。最初对环丙沙星治疗产生反应后,三名Fortuitum M.皮肤病患者复发,并且他们的分离株已显示出耐药性。环丙沙星与环丙沙星的突变频率相对较高(10(-5)至10(-7),单步突变体的MIC与临床耐药菌株的MIC相似,因此,尽管环丙沙星具有出色的抗药性除分支杆菌以外,由于分枝杆菌的生长迅速,因此应谨慎使用单药治疗,因为有发生耐药性的风险。



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