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Evaluation of 500- and 1000-mg doses of ciprofloxacin for the treatment of chancroid.




A randomized, double-blind study was performed comparing ciprofloxacin in a 500-mg single dose with 1,000 mg (500-mg doses given 12 h apart) for the treatment of chancroid in Thailand. Haemophilus ducreyi was isolated from 87 (48%) of 180 men with a clinical diagnosis of chancroid. For men with ulcers that were culture positive for H. ducreyi, rates of cure were 100% in the 500-mg group and 98% in the 1,000-mg group. For men with ulcers that were culture negative for H. ducreyi, rates of cure were 93% in the 500-mg group and 96% in the 1,000-mg group. The MIC of ciprofloxacin for 50% of isolates among 85 isolates of H. ducreyi was 0.007 micrograms/ml (range, 0.002 to 0.03 micrograms/ml). No significant adverse effects were detected in either group. These data indicate that both of these treatment regimens are equally effective therapies for chancroid in Thailand.
机译:进行了一项随机,双盲研究,比较了500毫克单剂量环丙沙星与1,000毫克(相隔12小时给予500毫克剂量)环丙沙星治疗泰国的类chan虫病。从180名临床诊断为类c虫的男性中分离出Ducreyi嗜血杆菌(48%)。对于溃疡培养阳性的溃疡男性,500 mg组的治愈率为100%,1,000 mg组的治愈率为98%。对于溃疡培养对杜克氏杆菌阴性的男性,治愈率在500毫克组为93%,在1000毫克组为96%。 85个杜克氏嗜血杆菌菌株中50%的环丙沙星的MIC为0.007微克/毫升(范围为0.002至0.03微克/毫升)。两组均未发现明显的不良反应。这些数据表明,在泰国,这两种治疗方案对于类虫都是同等有效的疗法。



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