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Isolation and Characterization of Metal-Reducing Thermoanaerobacter Strains from Deep Subsurface Environments of the Piceance Basin Colorado




Five bacterial strains were isolated from anaerobic enrichment cultures that had originated from inoculations with samples collected from the deep subsurface environments of the millions-of-years-old, geologically and hydrologically isolated Piceance Basin in Colorado. Small-subunit rRNA gene-based analyses indicated that all of these bacteria were closely related to Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus, with similarities of 99.4 to 99.5%. Three isolates (X513, X514, and X561) from the five bacterial strains were used to examine physiological characteristics. These thermophilic bacteria were able to use acetate, glucose, hydrogen, lactate, pyruvate, succinate, and xylose as electron donors while reducing Fe(III), cobalt(III), chromium(VI), manganese(IV), and uranium(VI) at 60°C. One of the isolates (X514) was also able to utilize hydrogen as an electron donor for Fe(III) reduction. These bacteria exhibited diverse mineral precipitation capabilities, including the formation of magnetite (Fe3O4), siderite (FeCO3), rhodochrosite (MnCO3), and uraninite (UO2). The gas composition of the incubation headspace and the ionic composition of the incubation medium exerted profound influences on the types of minerals formed. The susceptibility of the thermophilic Fe(III)-reducing cultures to metabolic inhibitors specific for ferric reductase, hydrogenase, and electron transport indicated that iron reduction by these bacteria is an enzymatic process.
机译:从厌氧富集培养物中分离出五种细菌菌株,这些细菌来自接种从科罗拉多州Piceance盆地几百万年前地质和水文隔离的深层地下环境中收集的样品。基于小亚基rRNA基因的分析表明,所有这些细菌均与乙醇嗜热厌氧菌密切相关,相似度为99.4%至99.5%。来自五个细菌菌株的三个分离株(X513,X514和X561)用于检查生理特征。这些嗜热细菌能够使用乙酸盐,葡萄糖,氢,乳酸,丙酮酸,琥珀酸和木糖作为电子供体,同时还原Fe(III),钴(III),铬(VI),锰(IV)和铀(VI) )在60°C下。分离株之一(X514)也能够利用氢作为Fe(III)还原的电子供体。这些细菌具有多种矿物质沉淀能力,包括磁铁矿(Fe3O4),菱铁矿(FeCO3),菱锰矿(MnCO3)和铀矿(UO2)的形成。培养顶部空间的气体组成和培养介质的离子组成对所形成矿物质的类型产生深远影响。嗜热的Fe(III)还原培养物对铁还原酶,氢化酶和电子传输具有特异性的代谢抑制剂的敏感性表明,这些细菌对铁的还原是一个酶促过程。



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