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HCN4 Sinus Bradycardia and Atrial Fibrillation




Based on their established role in the generation of spontaneous activity in pacemaker cells and control of cardiac rate, funny/ hyperpolarisation-activated, cyclic nucleotide gated 4 (HCN4) channels are natural candidates in the search for causes of sinus arrhythmias. Investigation of funny current-related inheritable arrhythmias has led to the identification of several mutations of the HCN4 gene associated with bradycardia and/or more complex arrhythmias. More recently, the search has been extended to include auxiliary proteins such as the minK-related peptide 1 (MiRP1) β-subunit. All mutations described so far are loss-of-function and in agreement with the role of funny channels, the predominant type of arrhythmia found is bradycardia. Funny channel-linked arrhythmias, however, also include atrioventricular (AV) block and atrial fibrillation, in agreement with an emerging new concept according to which defective funny channels have a still unexplored role in impairing AV conduction and triggering atrial fibrillation. Also, importantly, recent work shows that HCN4 mutations can be associated with cardiac structural abnormalities. In this short review I briefly address the current knowledge of funny/HCN4 channel mutations and associated sinus and more complex arrhythmias.
机译:基于它们在起搏器细胞中自发活动的产生和心率控制中已确立的作用,有趣/超极化激活的环状核苷酸门控4(HCN4)通道是寻找窦性心律不齐原因的自然候选者。对有趣的与电流有关的可遗传性心律失常的研究已导致鉴定出与心动过缓和/或更复杂的心律不齐相关的HCN4基因的几种突变。最近,搜索范围已扩展到包括辅助蛋白,例如minK相关肽1(MiRP1)β亚基。到目前为止描述的所有突变都是功能丧失,并且与滑稽通道的作用一致,发现的心律不齐的主要类型是心动过缓。然而,与有趣的通道相关的心律失常还包括房室传导阻滞和房颤,这与一个新兴的新概念相一致,根据这些新概念,有缺陷的有趣通道在削弱AV传导和触发房颤方面仍具有尚未探索的作用。同样重要的是,最近的工作表明,HCN4突变可能与心脏结构异常有关。在这篇简短的评论中,我简要介绍了有趣的/ HCN4通道突变以及相关的鼻窦和更复杂的心律不齐的最新知识。



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