首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Neuroscience >Spontaneous Action Representation in Smokers when Watching Movie Characters Smoke

Spontaneous Action Representation in Smokers when Watching Movie Characters Smoke




Do smokers simulate smoking when they see someone else smoke? For regular smokers, smoking is such a highly practiced motor skill that it often occurs automatically, without conscious awareness. Research on the brain basis of action observation has delineated a frontoparietal network that is commonly recruited when people observe, plan, or imitate actions. Here, we investigated whether this action observation network would be preferentially recruited in smokers when viewing complex smoking cues, such as those occurring in motion pictures. Seventeen right-handed smokers and 17 nonsmokers watched a popular movie while undergoing functional magnetic resonance imaging. Using a natural stimulus, such as a movie, allowed us to keep both smoking and nonsmoking participants naive to the goals of the experiment. Brain activity evoked by movie scenes of smoking was contrasted with nonsmoking control scenes that were matched for frequency and duration. Compared with nonsmokers, smokers showed greater activity in left anterior intraparietal sulcus and inferior frontal gyrus, regions involved in the simulation of contralateral hand-based gestures, when viewing smoking versus control scenes. These results demonstrate that smokers spontaneously represent the action of smoking when viewing others smoke, the consequence of which may make it more difficult to abstain from smoking.
机译:吸烟者看到别人吸烟时会模拟吸烟吗?对于经常吸烟的人来说,吸烟是一项高度实践的运动技能,经常会在没有意识的情况下自动发生。对大脑进行动作观察的研究已经勾勒出了一个额顶上的网络,人们在观察,计划或模仿动作时通常会招募这个网络。在这里,我们调查了在观看复杂的吸烟提示(例如电影中出现的吸烟提示)时,吸烟者是否会优先选择这种行动观察网络。 17名惯用右手的吸烟者和17名非吸烟者在进行功能磁共振成像时观看了一部热门电影。通过使用自然刺激(例如电影),我们可以使吸烟和不吸烟的参与者保持幼稚的实验目标。电影吸烟场景引起的大脑活动与非吸烟控制场景相对照,后者在频率和持续时间上相匹配。与不吸烟者相比,吸烟者在观察吸烟与控制场景时,左前顶壁沟和额下回的活动性增强,这是模拟对侧手势的区域。这些结果表明,吸烟者在观看其他烟时自发地表示吸烟的行为,其结果可能使戒烟更加困难。



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