首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Neuroscience >Systemic and Nasal Delivery of Orexin-A (Hypocretin-1) Reduces the Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Cognitive Performance in Nonhuman Primates

Systemic and Nasal Delivery of Orexin-A (Hypocretin-1) Reduces the Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Cognitive Performance in Nonhuman Primates




Hypocretin-1 (orexin-A) was administered to sleep-deprived (30–36 h) rhesus monkeys immediately preceding testing on a multi-image delayed match-to-sample (DMS) short-term memory task. The DMS task used multiple delays and stimulus images and effectively measures cognitive defects produced by sleep deprivation (). Two methods of administration of orexin-A were tested, intravenous injections (2.5–10.0 μg/kg, i.v.) and a novel method developed for nasal delivery via an atomizer spray mist to the nostrils (dose estimated 1.0 μg/kg). Results showed that orexin-A delivered via the intravenous and nasal routes significantly improved performance in sleep-deprived monkeys; however, the nasal delivery method was significantly more effective than the highest dose (10 μg/kg) of intravenous orexin-A tested. The improvement in performance by orexin-A was specific to trials classified as high versus low cognitive load as determined by performance difficulty under normal testing conditions. Except for the maximum intravenous dose (10 μg/kg), neither delivery method affected task performance in alert non-sleep-deprived animals. The improved performance in sleep-deprived animals was accompanied by orexin-A related alterations in local cerebral glucose metabolism (CMRglc) in specific brain regions shown previously to be engaged by the task and impaired by sleep deprivation (). Consistent with the differential effects on performance, nasal delivered orexin-A produced a more pronounced reversal of sleep deprivation induced changes in brain metabolic activity (CMRglc) than intravenous orexin-A. These findings provide strong evidence for the effectiveness of intranasal orexin-A in alleviating cognitive deficits produced by loss of sleep.
机译:Hypocretin-1(orexin-A)在多图像延迟匹配样本(DMS)短期记忆任务进行测试之前,立即用于睡眠不足的猕猴(30–36小时)。 DMS任务使用了多个延迟和刺激图像,并有效地测量了睡眠剥夺产生的认知缺陷()。测试了两种orexin-A的给药方法:静脉注射(2.5–10.0μg/ kg,静脉内注射)和开发出的一种新方法,可通过雾化器雾剂鼻腔向鼻孔输送(剂量估计为1.0μg/ kg)。结果表明,通过静脉和鼻腔途径递送的orexin-A可以显着改善睡眠不足的猴子的性能。然而,经鼻给药的方法明显优于最高的静脉注射orexin-A剂量(10μg/ kg)。通过在正常测试条件下的表现困难所确定的高认知负荷与低认知负荷之间的分类,orexin-A可以改善表现。除了最大静脉内剂量(10μg/ kg),这两种递送方法均不会影响机敏的非睡眠剥夺动物的任务表现。在缺乏睡眠的动物中,改善的表现伴随着特定脑区域中局部脑葡萄糖代谢(CMRglc)中的orexin-A相关变化,先前显示该任务参与该行为并因睡眠剥夺而受损()。与对性能的不同影响一致,与静脉内的orexin-A相比,经鼻递送的orexin-A产生的睡眠剥夺引起的脑代谢活性(CMRglc)变化更明显的逆转。这些发现为鼻内orexin-A缓解睡眠不足引起的认知缺陷的有效性提供了有力证据。



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