首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Neuroscience >The Sexually Dimorphic Expression of Androgen Receptors in the Song Nucleus Hyperstriatalis Ventrale Pars Caudale of the Zebra Finch Develops Independently of Gonadal Steroids

The Sexually Dimorphic Expression of Androgen Receptors in the Song Nucleus Hyperstriatalis Ventrale Pars Caudale of the Zebra Finch Develops Independently of Gonadal Steroids

机译:斑马雀科的宋核超纹状体Ventrale pars Caudale雄激素受体的性二态表达独立于性腺类固醇的发展。



The development of sex differences in brain structure and brain chemistry (“brain sex”) of vertebrates is frequently thought to depend entirely on gonadal steroids such as androgens and estrogens, which act on the brain at the genomic level by binding to intracellular transcription factors, the androgen receptors (ARs) and estrogen receptors (ERs). These hormone actions are thought to shift the brain from a monomorphic to a dimorphic phenotype. One prominent such example is the nucleus hyperstriatalis ventrale pars caudale (HVc) of the zebra finch (Poephila guttata), a set of cells in the caudal forebrain involved in the control of singing. In contrast with previous studies using nonspecific cell staining techniques, the size and neuron number of the HVc measured by the distribution of AR mRNA is already sexually dimorphic on posthatching day (P)9. No ARs or ERs are expressed in the HVc before day 9. Slice cultures of the caudal forebrain of P5 animals show that the sexually dimorphic expression of AR mRNA in HVc is independent of the direct action of steroids on this nucleus or any of its immediate presynaptic or postsynaptic partners. Therefore, gonadal steroids do not appear to be directly involved in the initial sex difference in the expression pattern of AR mRNA, size, and neuron number of the HVc. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the initial steroid-independent size and its subsequent steroid-independent growth by extension linearly with the extension of the forebrain explains 60–70% of the masculine development of the HVc. Thus, we suggest that epigenetic factors such as the gonadal steroids modify but cannot overwrite the sex difference in HVc volume determined autonomously in the brain.
机译:人们通常认为脊椎动物的大脑结构和大脑化学特性(“大脑性别”)的性别差异的发展完全取决于性腺类固醇,例如雄激素和雌激素,它们通过结合细胞内转录因子在基因组水平上作用于大脑,雄激素受体(ARs)和雌激素受体(ERs)。这些激素的作用被认为可以使大脑从单态转变为二态。其中一个突出的例子是斑雀(Poephila guttata)的高纹状体腹侧核(HVc),这是尾脑前脑中涉及唱歌控制的一组细胞。与以前使用非特异性细胞染色技术的研究相比,通过AR mRNA分布测量的HVc的大小和神经元数目在孵化后(P)9已经是性二态。在第9天之前,HVc中没有ARs或ERs表达。P5动物的尾前脑切片培养表明,HVc中AR mRNA的有性二态表达独立于类固醇对该核或其直接突触前的直接作用。或突触后伙伴。因此,性腺类固醇似乎并没有直接参与HVc的AR mRNA表达模式,大小和神经元数量的最初性别差异。此外,我们证明,与前脑的延长成线性关系的初始类固醇非依赖大小及其随后的类固醇非依赖生长解释了HVc男性发育的60-70%。因此,我们建议表观遗传因素,如性腺类固醇会改变,但不能覆盖大脑中自主确定的HVc量的性别差异。



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