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Searching for Factors that Distinguish Disease-Prone and Disease-Resistant Prions via Sequence Analysis




The exact mechanisms of prion misfolding and factors that predispose an individual to prion diseases are largely unknown. Our approach to identifying candidate factors in-silico relies on contrasting the C-terminal domain of PrPC sequences from two groups of vertebrate species: those that have been found to suffer from prion diseases, and those that have not. We propose that any significant differences between the two groups are candidate factors that may predispose individuals to develop prion disease, which should be further analyzed by wet-lab investigations. Using an array of computational methods we identified possible point mutations that could predispose PrPC to misfold into PrPSc. Our results include confirmatory findings such as the V210I mutation, and new findings including P137M, G142D, G142N, D144P, K185T, V189I, H187Y and T191P mutations, which could impact structural stability. We also propose new hypotheses that give insights into the stability of helix-2 and -3. These include destabilizing effects of Histidine and T188-T193 segment in helix-2 in the disease-prone prions, and a stabilizing effect of Leucine on helix-3 in the disease-resistant prions.
机译:ion病毒错误折叠的确切机制和使个体易患病毒疾病的因素在很大程度上尚不清楚。我们在计算机上识别候选因子的方法依赖于对比两组脊椎动物物种的PrP C 序列的C端结构域:已发现患有病毒疾病的脊椎动物和那些患有pr病毒疾病的脊椎动物。不。我们建议,两组之间的任何显着差异都是可能使个体易患病毒疾病的候选因素,应通过湿实验室研究对其进行进一步分析。使用一系列计算方法,我们确定了可能的点突变,这些点突变可能使PrP C 易错折叠为PrP Sc 。我们的结果包括证实性发现,例如V210I突变,以及新发现,包括P137M,G142D,G142N,D144P,K185T,V189I,H187Y和T191P突变,这可能会影响结构稳定性。我们还提出了新的假设,这些假设使人们对helix-2和-3的稳定性有了深刻的认识。这些包括在易患疾病的病毒中helic-2的组氨酸和T188-T193片段的去稳定化作用,以及在抗病性pr病毒中亮氨酸对helix-3的稳定化作用。



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