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Ocean acidification bends the mermaids wineglass




Ocean acidification lowers the saturation state of calcium carbonate, decreasing net calcification and compromising the skeletons of organisms such as corals, molluscs and algae. These calcified structures can protect organisms from predation and improve access to light, nutrients and dispersive currents. While some species (such as urchins, corals and mussels) survive with decreased calcification, they can suffer from inferior mechanical performance. Here, we used cantilever beam theory to test the hypothesis that decreased calcification would impair the mechanical performance of the green alga Acetabularia acetabulum along a CO2 gradient created by volcanic seeps off Vulcano, Italy. Calcification and mechanical properties declined as calcium carbonate saturation fell; algae at 2283 µatm CO2 were 32% less calcified, 40% less stiff and 40% droopier. Moreover, calcification was not a linear proxy for mechanical performance; stem stiffness decreased exponentially with reduced calcification. Although calcifying organisms can tolerate high CO2 conditions, even subtle changes in calcification can cause dramatic changes in skeletal performance, which may in turn affect key biotic and abiotic interactions.
机译:海洋酸化降低了碳酸钙的饱和状态,降低了净钙化作用,损害了珊瑚,软体动物和藻类等生物的骨架。这些钙化的结构可以保护生物免受捕食,并改善对光,营养物和分散流的获取。虽然某些物种(如海胆,珊瑚和贻贝)在钙化降低的情况下生存,但它们的机械性能却很差。在这里,我们使用悬臂梁理论来检验以下假说:钙化程度的下降会损害沿意大利Vulcano火山渗出产生的CO2梯度的绿藻Acetabularia acetabulum的机械性能。随着碳酸钙饱和度的下降,钙化和力学性能下降。 2283 µatm CO2处的藻类钙化减少了32%,硬度降低了40%,垂降降低了40%。而且,钙化不是机械性能的线性代表;茎的硬度随钙化程度的降低呈指数下降。尽管钙化生物可以忍受较高的CO2条件,但即使钙化的细微变化也会引起骨骼功能的急剧变化,进而可能影响关键的生物和非生物相互作用。



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