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Analysis of diffusion delay in a layered medium. Application to heat measurements from muscle.




An analysis is presented of diffusional delays in one-dimensional heat flow through a medium consisting of several layers of different materials. The model specifically addresses the measurement of heat production by muscle, but diffusion of solute or conduction of charge through a layered medium will obey the same equations. The model consists of a semi-infinite medium, the muscle, in which heat production is spacially uniform but time varying. The heat diffuses through layers of solution and insulation to the center of the thermal element where heat flow is zero. Using Laplace transforms, transfer functions are derived for the temperature change in the center of the thermopile as a function of the temperature at any interface between differing materials or as a function of heat production in the muscle. From these transfer functions, approximate analytical expressions are derived for the time constants which scale the early and late changes in the central temperature. We find that the earliest temperature changes are limited by the diffusivities of the materials, whereas the approach to steady state depends on the total heat capacity of the system and the diffusivity of muscle. Hill (1937) analyzed a similar geometry by modeling the layered medium as a homogeneous system with an equivalent half thickness. We show that his analysis was accurate for the materials in his system. In general, however, and specifically with regard to modern thermopiles, a homogeneous approximation will lead to significant errors. We compare responses of different thermopiles to establish the limits of time resolution in muscle heat records and to correct them for diffusional delays. Using numerical techniques, we invert the Laplace transforms and show the time course of the temperature changes recorded by different instruments in response to different patterns of heat production.
机译:对一维热流通过由几层不同材料组成的介质的扩散延迟进行了分析。该模型专门解决了由肌肉产生的热量的测量,但是溶质的扩散或电荷通过层状介质的传导将遵循相同的方程式。该模型由半无限的介质肌肉组成,其中热量产生在空间上是均匀的,但会随时间变化。热量通过溶液和绝缘层扩散到热量为零的热敏元件中心。使用拉普拉斯变换,可以得出热电堆中心温度变化的传递函数,该传递函数是不同材料之间任何界面的温度的函数,或者是肌肉中热量产生的函数。从这些传递函数中,可以得出时间常数的近似分析表达式,这些表达式可缩放中心温度的早期和晚期变化。我们发现,最早的温度变化受到材料扩散性的限制,而达到稳态的方法取决于系统的总热容量和肌肉的扩散性。 Hill(1937)通过将分层介质建模为具有相等一半厚度的均质系统,分析了相似的几何形状。我们证明他的分析对于他系统中的材料是准确的。但是,通常,特别是对于现代热电堆,均匀近似会导致明显的误差。我们比较不同热电堆的响应,以建立肌肉热量记录中时间分辨率的极限,并针对扩散延迟进行校正。使用数值技术,我们对拉普拉斯变换进行了反演,并显示了根据不同的热量产生方式,不同仪器记录的温度变化的时程。



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