首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Neuroscience >Direct measurement of brain temperature during and after intraischemic hypothermia: correlation with behavioral physiological and histological endpoints

Direct measurement of brain temperature during and after intraischemic hypothermia: correlation with behavioral physiological and histological endpoints




The aim of the present study was to evaluate critically the protection afforded by hypothermia against ischemic injury to the hippocampus. Hypothermic treatment was applied selectively to the brain during a 5 min carotid artery occlusion in gerbils. Following a period of recovery, two independent measures were used to assess hippocampal function: (1) an open field test of spatial memory (assessment was made during the first 10 d after ischemia) and (2) measurement of evoked potentials from area CA1 in hippocampal slices (3 weeks after the ischemic episode). The functional outcome portrayed by these tests was compared to a morphological evaluation of CA1 pyramidal cells at three rostrocaudal levels. All evaluations were carried out in the same animals. We found converging evidence that intraischemic hypothermia provides virtually complete protection against a 5 min episode of cerebral ischemia. Animals treated with hypothermia performed as well as sham-operated controls in a spatial memory task, had field potentials that were indistinguishable from normal animals and CA1 cells appeared normal when assessed histologically. In contrast, ischemia at normothermia resulted in a deficit in open field behavior (p < 0.01), diminished field potentials in stratum radiatum (p < 0.01), and near total loss of pyramidal cells in dorsal CA1 (p < 0.01). There was a remarkably high correlation between these diverse measures (r ranged from 0.7 to 0.9, p < 0.01), which provides strong support for the use of hypothermia as an effective treatment for ischemia. This study introduces a novel approach for the evaluation of putative anti- ischemic treatments: combining behavioral, electrophysiological, and histological measures.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
机译:本研究的目的是严格评估低温治疗对海马缺血性损伤的保护作用。在沙鼠的颈动脉阻塞5分钟期间,对脑部进行了低温治疗。经过一段恢复期后,采用了两项独立的措施来评估海马功能:(1)空间记忆的开放视野测试(在缺血后的前10天进行评估)和(2)测量来自CA1区的诱发电位海马切片(缺血发作后3周)。将这些测试所描绘的功能结果与在三个头尾脑水平的CA1锥体细胞的形态学评估进行了比较。所有评估均在同一动物中进行。我们发现有越来越多的证据表明局部缺血性体温过低几乎可以完全抵御5分钟的脑缺血发作。经过低温治疗的动物在空间记忆任务中的表现与假手术对照一样,具有与正常动物无法区分的场势,并且从组织学角度评估,CA1细胞看起来正常。相反,常温下的缺血导致旷野行为缺乏(p <0.01),放射状层的田间电势减弱(p <0.01)和背侧CA1锥体细胞几乎完全丧失(p <0.01)。这些不同的措施之间有极高的相关性(r介于0.7到0.9之间,p <0.01),这为将低温作为缺血的有效治疗方法提供了有力的支持。这项研究引入了一种新的方法来评估推定的抗缺血治疗:将行为,电生理和组织学措施相结合。(摘要截断为250个字)



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