首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Neuroscience >Tonic vasomotor control by the rostral ventrolateral medulla: effect of electrical or chemical stimulation of the area containing C1 adrenaline neurons on arterial pressure heart rate and plasma catecholamines and vasopressin

Tonic vasomotor control by the rostral ventrolateral medulla: effect of electrical or chemical stimulation of the area containing C1 adrenaline neurons on arterial pressure heart rate and plasma catecholamines and vasopressin




We have studied the responses to electrical and chemical stimulation of the ventrolateral medulla in the chloralose-anesthetized, paralyzed, artificially ventilated rat. Locations of most active pressor responses were compared to regions containing neurons labeled immunocytochemically for phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT), the enzyme catalyzing the synthesis of adrenaline. Elevations of arterial pressure (+81.6 +/- 2.5 mm Hg) and cardioacceleration (+73 +/- 13.6 bpm) were elicited with low current (5 times threshold of 9.5 +/- 1.1 microA) electrical stimulation in a region of rostral ventrolateral medullary reticular formation we have termed the nucleus reticularis rostroventrolateralis (RVL). Electrical stimulation of the RVL increased plasma catecholamines (16.8-fold for adrenaline, 5.3-fold for noradrenaline, and 1.9-fold for dopamine) and vasopressin (1.7-fold before spinal transection, 4.7-fold after). The location of the most active pressor region in the ventrolateral medulla corresponded closely with the location of C1 adrenaline-synthesizing (PNMT-containing) neurons. In addition, the location of the most active pressor region in the dorsomedial medulla corresponded with the location of a bundle of PNMT-containing axons. Unilateral injections into the RVL of the excitatory amino acid monosodium L-glutamate (50 pmol to 10 nmol), but not saline, caused transient dose-dependent and topographically specific elevations (maximum +71.6 +/- 4.9 mm Hg) of arterial blood pressure and tachycardia. Injections of the rigid structural analogue of glutamate, kainic acid, caused large, prolonged (at least 15 min) pressor responses and tachycardia. Unilateral injections of the inhibitory amino acid gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) into the RVL caused transient dose-dependent hypotension (maximum -40.8 +/- 6.6 mm Hg) and bradycardia, whereas the specific GABA antagonist bicuculline caused prolonged (10 to 20 min) elevations (+64.2 +/- 6.8 mm Hg) of arterial pressure and tachycardia. By contrast, injections of the glycine antagonist strychnine had no significant effect. Bilateral injections of the neurotoxin, tetrodotoxin, dropped arterial pressure to low levels (51.7 +/- 4.7) not changed by subsequent spinal cord transection at the first cervical segment (52.5 +/- 6.2). We propose the following. (1) Neurons within the RVL, most probably C1 adrenaline- synthesizing neurons, exert an excitatory influence on sympathetic vasomotor fibers, the adrenal medulla, and the posterior pituitary. (2) These neurons are tonically active and under tonic inhibitory control, in part via GABAergic mechanisms--perhaps via the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
机译:我们研究了氯醛糖麻醉,瘫痪,人工通气大鼠对腹侧延髓的电刺激和化学刺激的反应。将最活跃的升压反应的位置与含有神经细胞的区域进行比较,该区域被免疫细胞化学标记为苯乙醇胺N-甲基转移酶(PNMT),该酶催化肾上腺素的合成。用低电流(9.5倍+/- 1.1微安的5倍阈值)电刺激在前额外侧区域引起动脉压(+81.6 +/- 2.5毫米汞柱)和心脏加速(+73 +/- 13.6 bpm)延髓性网状结构我们称为网状延髓外侧核(RVL)。 RVL的电刺激增加血浆儿茶酚胺(肾上腺素为16.8倍,去甲肾上腺素为5.3倍,多巴胺为1.9倍)和加压素(脊髓横切前为1.7倍,后为4.7倍)。腹外侧延髓中最活跃的加压区的位置与C1肾上腺素合成(含PNMT)神经元的位置紧密对应。另外,在背髓质髓中最活跃的加压区域的位置与一束含有PNMT的轴突的位置相对应。向RVL中单侧注射兴奋性氨基酸L-谷氨酸一钠(50 pmol至10 nmol),但不注射生理盐水,会引起剂量依赖性和地形上的瞬时升高(最大+71.6 +/- 4.9 mm Hg)和心动过速。注射谷氨酸,海藻酸的刚性结构类似物会引起大的,延长的(至少15分钟)升压反应和心动过速。向RVL中单侧注射抑制性氨基酸γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)会导致短暂的剂量依赖性低血压(最大-40.8 +/- 6.6 mm Hg)和心动过缓,而特异性GABA拮抗剂bicuculline会导致延长的时间(10至20分钟)动脉压和心动过速升高(+64.2 +/- 6.8毫米汞柱)。相反,注射甘氨酸拮抗剂士的宁没有明显的作用。双向注射神经毒素,河豚毒素可将动脉压降至较低水平(51.7 +/- 4.7),随后在第一个子宫颈段进行脊髓横切术不会改变其水平(52.5 +/- 6.2)。我们提出以下建议。 (1)RVL中的神经元,最可能是C1肾上腺素合成神经元,对交感性血管舒缩纤维,肾上腺髓质和垂体后叶产生兴奋性影响。 (2)这些神经元具有一定的调性活性,并受强直抑制作用的控制,部分是通过GABA的能量机制-可能是通过孤立道(NTS)的核(抽象截断了400个单词)



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