首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making >Comments on John D. Keen and James E. Keen What is the point: will screening mammography save my life? BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2009

Comments on John D. Keen and James E. Keen What is the point: will screening mammography save my life? BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2009

机译:对约翰·D·基恩(John D. Keen)和詹姆斯·E·基恩(James E. Keen)的评论重点是什么:乳腺钼靶筛查能否拯救我的生命? BMC医学信息学与决策2009年



This paper by John D. Keen and James E. Keen addresses a thorny subject. The numerical findings and commentaries in their paper will be disturbing to some readers and seem to defy logic and well established viewpoints. It may well generate angry letters to the editor. However such numerical analysis and reporting including civil discussion should be welcomed and are the basis for informed decision making – something that is highly needed in this field.
机译:John D. Keen和James E. Keen的这篇论文涉及一个棘手的主题。他们论文中的数字发现和评论将使某些读者感到不安,并且似乎无视逻辑和公认的观点。这很可能会引起编辑的愤怒信。但是,此类数值分析和报告(包括民事讨论)应该受到欢迎,并且是进行明智决策的基础-这是该领域急需的。



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