首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences >Development of the five primary podia from the coeloms of a sea star larva: homology with the echinoid echinoderms and other deuterostomes

Development of the five primary podia from the coeloms of a sea star larva: homology with the echinoid echinoderms and other deuterostomes




Confocal laser scanning microscopy of larvae of the asteroid Parvulastra exigua was used to investigate the development of the five primary podia from the coeloms in the echinoderm phylum in an approach to the problem of morphological homology in the deuterostome phyla. The development is shown from an early brachiolaria larval stage to a pre-settlement late brachiolaria larval stage. In the early brachiolaria larva, a single enterocoele connected to the archenteron has formed into two lateral coeloms and an anterior coelom. The primary podia form from the coelomic regions on the left side of the brachiolaria larva, while on the right the coelomic regions connect with the exterior through the pore canal and hydropore. The anterior coelom forms the coelom of the brachia. Homology between the primary podia of the asteroid and the echinoid classes of echinoderms is described and extended to coeloms of other deuterostome phyla.
机译:利用共聚焦激光扫描显微镜对小行星Parvulastra exigua的幼虫进行了研究,以探讨棘皮动物门中形态同源性问题的方法,从棘皮动物门的壳中提取了五个主要足pod。从早期的腕状幼虫阶段到结算前的腕状幼虫阶段都显示出这种变化。在早期腕足虫幼虫中,连接到原肠的单个肠腔已形成两个侧腔和一个前腔。初级足form形成于腕足虫幼虫左侧的腔壁区域,而右侧的腔壁区域通过毛细血管和水孔与外部连接。前胸腔形成肱的鞘腔。小行星的主要足pod与棘突类棘突类动物之间的同源性已被描述,并扩展到其他氘化门的腔。



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