首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>BMJ Open >Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness randomised controlled trial of basic versus biofeedback-mediated intensive pelvic floor muscle training for female stress or mixed urinary incontinence: protocol for the OPAL (optimising pelvic floor exercises to achieve long-term benefits) trial mixed methods longitudinal qualitative case study and process evaluation

Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness randomised controlled trial of basic versus biofeedback-mediated intensive pelvic floor muscle training for female stress or mixed urinary incontinence: protocol for the OPAL (optimising pelvic floor exercises to achieve long-term benefits) trial mixed methods longitudinal qualitative case study and process evaluation




IntroductionFemale urinary incontinence (UI) is common affecting up to 45% of women. Pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) is the first-line treatment but there is uncertainty whether intensive PFMT is better than basic PFMT for long-term symptomatic improvement. It is also unclear which factors influence women’s ability to perform PFMT long term and whether this has impacts on long-term outcomes. OPAL (optimising PFMT to achieve long-term benefits) trial examines the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of basic PFMT versus biofeedback-mediated PFMT and this evaluation explores women’s experiences of treatment and the factors which influence effectiveness. This will provide data aiding interpretation of the trial findings; make recommendations for optimising the treatment protocol; support implementation in practice; and address gaps in the literature around long-term adherence to PFMT for women with stress or mixed UI.
机译:简介女性尿失禁(UI)是常见的疾病,可影响多达45%的女性。骨盆底肌肉训练(PFMT)是一线治疗,但对于长期的症状改善,强化PFMT是否优于基本PFMT,尚不确定。还不清楚哪些因素影响女性长期执行PFMT的能力,以及这是否对长期结局产生影响。 OPAL(优化PFMT以实现长期收益)试验研究了基本PFMT与生物反馈介导的PFMT的有效性和成本效益,该评估探讨了妇女的治疗经验以及影响有效性的因素。这将提供数据以帮助解释试验结果;提出优化治疗方案的建议;在实践中支持实施;并解决了长期承受压力或UI混合的女性坚持PFMT的文献中的空白。



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