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Integration and propagation of somatosensory responses in the corticostriatal pathway: an intracellular study in vivo




The dorsolateral striatum is critically involved in the execution and learning of sensorimotor tasks. It is proposed that this striatal function is achieved by the integration of convergent somatosensory and motor corticostriatal (CS) inputs in striatal medium-spiny neurons (MSNs). However, the cellular mechanisms of integration and propagation of somatosensory information in the CS pathway remain unknown. Here, by means of in vivo intracellular recordings in the rat, we analysed how sensory events generated by multi-whisker deflection, which provide essential somaesthetic information in rodents, are processed in contralateral barrel cortex layer 5 neurons and in the related somatosensory striatal MSNs. Pyramidal layer 5 barrel cortex neurons, including neurons antidromically identified as CS, responded to whisker deflection by depolarizing postsynaptic potentials that could reliably generate action potential discharge. In contrast, only half of recorded somatosensory striatal MSNs displayed whisker-evoked synaptic depolarizations that were effective in eliciting action potentials in one-third of responding neurons. The remaining population of MSNs did not exhibit any detectable electrical events in response to whisker stimulation. The relative inconstancy of sensory-evoked responses in MSNs was due, at least in part, to a Cl-dependent membrane conductance concomitant with the cortical inputs, which was probably caused by whisker-induced activation of striatal GABAergic interneurons. Our results suggest that the propagation of whisker-mediated sensory flow through the CS pathway results in a refinement of sensory information in the striatum, which might allow the selection of specific sets of MSNs that are functionally significant during a given somaesthetic-guided behaviour.
机译:背外侧纹状体主要参与感觉运动任务的执行和学习。有人提出,这种纹状体功能是通过整合体纹状多刺神经元(MSNs)中融合的体感和运动皮质口(CS)输入来实现的。然而,CS途径中体感信息的整合和传播的细胞机制仍然未知。在这里,通过在大鼠体内的细胞内记录,我们分析了如何在对侧桶状皮层第5层神经元以及相关的体感纹状体MSNs中处理由多晶须偏转产生的感觉事件,这些事件在啮齿动物中提供了基本的身体美容信息。金字塔形第5层桶状皮层神经元(包括被抗消极识别为CS的神经元)通过使突触后电位去极化来响应晶须偏转,从而可靠地产生动作电位放电。相比之下,记录的体感纹状体MSN中只有一半显示出晶须诱发的突触去极化,这种反应可有效地在三分之一的响应神经元中引发动作电位。其余的MSN群体对晶须刺激没有表现出任何可检测到的电事件。 MSNs中感觉诱发反应的相对不稳定性至少部分是由于Cl -依赖的膜电导与皮质输入有关,这可能是由晶须诱导的纹状体激活引起的GABA能神经元。我们的结果表明,晶须介导的感觉流通过CS途径的传播导致纹状体中感觉信息的细化,这可能允许选择在给定的以美学指导的行为中具有重要功能的特定MSN集。



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