首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Physiology >Manually controlled human balancing using visual vestibular and proprioceptive senses involves a common low frequency neural process

Manually controlled human balancing using visual vestibular and proprioceptive senses involves a common low frequency neural process




Ten subjects balanced their own body or a mechanically equivalent unstable inverted pendulum by hand, through a compliant spring linkage. Their balancing process was always characterized by repeated small reciprocating hand movements. These bias adjustments were an observable sign of intermittent alterations in neural output. On average, the adjustments occurred at intervals of ∼400 ms. To generate appropriate stabilizing bias adjustments, sensory information about body or load movement is needed. Subjects used visual, vestibular or proprioceptive sensation alone and in combination to perform the tasks. We first ask, is the time between adjustments (bias duration) sensory specific? Vision is associated with slow responses. Other senses involved with balance are known to be faster. Our second question is; does bias duration depend on sensory abundance? An appropriate bias adjustment cannot occur until unplanned motion is unambiguously perceived (a sensory threshold). The addition of more sensory data should therefore expedite action, decreasing the mean bias adjustment duration. Statistical analysis showed that (1) the mean bias adjustment duration was remarkably independent of the sensory modality and (2) the addition of one or two sensory modalities made a small, but significant, decrease in the mean bias adjustment duration. Thus, a threshold effect can alter only a very minor part of the bias duration. The bias adjustment duration in manual balancing must reflect something more than visual sensation and perceptual thresholds; our suggestion is that it is a common central motor planning process. We predict that similar processes may be identified in the control of standing.
机译:十名受试者通过顺从的弹簧连杆,用手平衡自己的身体或机械等效的不稳定倒立摆。他们的平衡过程始终以反复的小手往复运动为特征。这些偏差调整是神经输出间歇性变化的明显迹象。平均而言,调整间隔为〜400 ms。为了生成适当的稳定偏差调整,需要有关车身或负载运动的感官信息。受试者单独或组合使用视觉,前庭或本体感受。我们首先问,感觉之间的调整时间(偏置持续时间)是否具体?视觉与反应迟钝有关。众所周知,与平衡有关的其他感觉更快。我们的第二个问题是;偏倚持续时间是否取决于感觉丰度?在明确地感觉到计划外的运动(感觉阈值)之前,无法进行适当的偏差调整。因此,添加更多的感官数据应加快动作,减少平均偏差调整的持续时间。统计分析表明,(1)平均偏差调整持续时间显着独立于感官方式,(2)添加一种或两种感觉方式会使平均偏差调整持续时间减少但显着减少。因此,阈值效应只能改变偏置持续时间的很小一部分。手动平衡中的偏差调整持续时间所反映的不仅仅是视觉和感知阈值;我们的建议是这是一个常见的中央运动计划过程。我们预计在站立状态控制中可能会发现类似的过程。



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