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Maximal muscular vascular conductances during whole body upright exercise in humans




That muscular blood flow may reach 2.5 l kg−1 min−1 in the quadriceps muscle has led to the suggestion that muscular vascular conductance must be restrained during whole body exercise to avoid hypotension. The main aim of this study was to determine the maximal arm and leg muscle vascular conductances (VC) during leg and arm exercise, to find out if the maximal muscular vasodilatory response is restrained during maximal combined arm and leg exercise. Six Swedish elite cross-country skiers, age (mean ± s.e.m.) 24 ± 2 years, height 180 ± 2 cm, weight 74 ± 2 kg, and maximal oxygen uptake (V̇O2,max) 5.1 ± 0.1 l min−1 participated in the study. Femoral and subclavian vein blood flows, intra-arterial blood pressure, cardiac output, as well as blood gases in the femoral and subclavian vein, right atrium and femoral artery were determined during skiing (roller skis) at ∼76% of V̇O2,max and at V̇O2,max with different techniques: diagonal stride (combined arm and leg exercise), double poling (predominantly arm exercise) and leg skiing (predominantly leg exercise). During submaximal exercise cardiac output (26–27 l min−1), mean blood pressure (MAP) (∼87 mmHg), systemic VC, systemic oxygen delivery and pulmonary V̇O2 (∼4 l min−1) attained similar values regardless of exercise mode. The distribution of cardiac output was modified depending on the musculature engaged in the exercise. There was a close relationship between VC and V̇O2 in arms (r = 0.99, P < 0.001) and legs (r = 0.98, P < 0.05). Peak arm VC (63.7 ± 5.6 ml min−1 mmHg−1) was attained during double poling, while peak leg VC was reached at maximal exercise with the diagonal technique (109.8 ± 11.5 ml min−1 mmHg−1) when arm VC was 38.8 ± 5.7 ml min−1 mmHg−1. If during maximal exercise arms and legs had been vasodilated to the observed maximal levels then mean arterial pressure would have dropped at least to 75–77 mmHg in our experimental conditions. It is concluded that skeletal muscle vascular conductance is restrained during whole body exercise in the upright position to avoid hypotension.
机译:股四头肌中的肌肉血流量可能达到2.5 l kg -1 min -1 ,这提示在全身运动过程中必须限制肌肉血管的传导,以避免低血压。这项研究的主要目的是确定在腿部和手臂运动期间最大的手臂和腿部肌肉血管电导(VC),以了解在最大程度的手臂和腿部联合运动期间最大肌肉血管舒张反应是否受到限制。六名瑞典精英越野滑雪者,年龄(平均±sem)24±2岁,身高180±2 cm,体重74±2 kg,最大摄氧量(V̇O2,最大值)5.1±0.1 l min -1 参加了这项研究。在滑雪(滚轴滑雪)过程中,测得的股骨和锁骨下静脉血流量,动脉内血压,心输出量以及股骨和锁骨下静脉,右心房和股动脉中的血气约为V̇O2的最大值的76%。在V̇O2,max处使用不同的技巧:对角跨步(手臂和腿部运动结合),双极运动(主要是手臂运动)和滑雪(主要是腿部运动)。在次最大运动量期间,心输出量(26–27 l min −1 ),平均血压(MAP)(〜8​​7 mmHg),全身性VC,全身性氧气输送和肺部V̇O2(〜4 l min -1 )达到相似的值,而与运动模式无关。心输出量的分布根据参与锻炼的肌肉组织而改变。手臂(r = 0.99,P <0.001)和腿(r = 0.98,P <0.05)的VC和V̇O2之间存在密切关系。两次极化过程中达到峰值臂VC(63.7±5.6 ml min −1 mmHg -1 ),而对角线技术在最大运动时达到峰值VC(109.8手臂VC为38.8±5.7 ml min -1 mmHg -1 -1 mmHg -1 ) sup>。如果在最大运动中手臂和腿部已经舒张到所观察到的最大水平,那么在我们的实验条件下,平均动脉压将至少下降到75–77 mmHg。结论是,在全身运动期间,骨骼肌血管传导受到抑制,处于直立姿势,以避免低血压。



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